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links úteis sobre Deep Zoom

para quem quiser se aprofundar no Deep Zoom (ops, escolha estranha de verbo), aqui vão algumas referências bem legais:

Working with Collections & Deep Zoom Primer
Jaime Rodriguez provides two great overviews on how Deep Zoom works and how you can manipulate the collections in greater detail.

A Deep Zoom Blog
Lutz Gerhard is one of the people responsible for Deep Zoom in Silverlight, and his blog provides valuable tips and tricks to the common asks people have made.

Project Silverlight
Wilfred Pinto has a lot of great examples dissecting various requests such as hit-testing on images, etc.

Filtering by Tag
Here is an example I wrote showing how you can use the Metadata.xml file generated by Deep Zoom Composer to filter.

Deep Zoom Tag Cloud
Craig Dunn extends my filtering example by generating a tag cloud based on the items – really cool!

Deep Zoom : Selecting an Image
Matthew Serbinski shows you how to bring a Deep Zoom image into focus when a thumbnail of that image has been selected.

eu achei esses links aqui: Expression Blend and Design : Deep Zoom Developer Resources
