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campanha publicitária esconde ovos de Páscoa... em Photosynth


finalmente  :)   uma campanha publicitária usando Photosynth e de uma maneira divertida: escondendo ovos de páscoa virtuais

Wieden + Kennedy London has employed Microsoft’s Photosynth technology (which pools images from the web to create a virtual version of an object or place) to create a virtual version of its own office. But there’s more! As it’s Easter time, six eggs have been hidden in amongst the miscellania. Each egg is numbered and, when combined in the right sequence, will reveal a telephone number. First to call it wins a pair of customised Nike Dunks and there are other, more edible chocolatey type prizes available too. More details on their blog, here, or go direct to the W+K synth itself, here. Happy hunting!

CR Blog » Blog Archive » W+K’s Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
