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Boxes and Arrows, UX, colaboração, design e… :)

que surpresa boa.   fui ler o ultimo artigo no excelente site  Boxes and Arrows: Wanted/Needed: UX Design for Collaboration 2.0.   o propósito era levantar quais as melhores soluções colaborativos pro design de UX:

I want to start this discussion by proposing a model for collaboration1 that links the various elements of collaboration, comment on the so-called “collaboration software” currently available, and make some tentative suggestions about IA and UX requirements for a real collaboration platform

a conclusão é bastante interessante, vejam só

Perhaps the closest we have today is from Microsoft. Combine SharePoint, Outlook and the Office suite and this provides remarkably effective functionality for team management, scheduling meetings, communication and shared workspaces. Our organization makes heavy use of this combination, and it pushes teamwork and information sharing a long way ahead of where we once were.

o artigo está aqui na íntegra: Wanted/Needed: UX Design for Collaboration 2.0 - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
