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atenção: prepare-se para a versão final do Silverlight 2

a versão final do Silverlight 2 sairá em meados de Outubro, e para que você não tenha nenhuma surpresa aqui váo algumas instruções para você testar sua aplicação e fazer atualizações caso seja necessário:


Silverlight 2 Readiness Bulletin

Calling all Silverlight 2 Developers!

Test your applications against Silverlight 2 Release Candidate 0 in preparation for Silverlight 2 Release to Web

The Silverlight 2 Release Candidate 0 (RC0) is now available to developers for testing purposes and to help prepare your Silverlight 2 Beta 2 applications for the release of Silverlight 2. RC0 must not be used with publicly available Silverlight 2 applications as it is incompatible with the Silverlight 2 Beta 2 browser plug-in which will not be auto-updated to RC0. To get started with Silverlight 2 RC0, please see the following information and links to downloads below.

Silverlight Plug-in Availability

Applications built using this release will work off of the Silverlight 2 RC0 Developer Runtime only. This is not intended for public deployment, as end users will not have a way to install a suitable plug-in to view the application. No existing public versions (released or beta) of Silverlight 1.0 or 2 Beta 2 will be auto-upgraded to the RC0 runtime. This is only for developers.


Users who have either Silverlight 2 Beta 2 or Silverlight 2 RC0 Developer Runtime installed will automatically be updated to Silverlight 2 Release To Web (Silverlight 2 RTW) when it becomes available. The Silverlight 2 RTW developer runtime and tools will also be available to developers once released. Silverlight 1.0 sites will continue to function with all versions of the Silverlight 2 plug-in.

Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Applications

Applications built using the RC0 release will only work with the Silverlight 2 RC0 Developer Runtime. Please use this opportunity to stage and test your Beta 2 applications using RC0 so that they may be ready when the final release is available.

Breaking Changes

Please see the Breaking Changes document for changes between Silverlight 2 Beta 2 and RC0. This document highlights the changes that have been implemented since Beta 2 and should be your first guide in troubleshooting any issues when porting your applications to the release candidate runtime. Further information on common problems and last minute updates can be found in the Developer Release Notes.



· Scott Guthrie’s Blog

Silverlight 2 Release Candidate Now Available

· Tim Heuer’s Blog

Silverlight 2 Released for Developers
