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outro tutorial super-completo direto da revista MSDN:

You'll be implementing push notifications, event integration, business service integration, caching, security, and integration with the cloud services.

Push Notifications
These are required because the system needs to capture the incoming call event and transfer interactive voice response (IVR) data that was entered by the caller to do a "screen pop," or populating of the UI screen with the incoming call information. In addition, the user should be given an opportunity to accept or reject the call.

Event Streaming
In a typical Web app, the Web server has all the knowledge of the business events as it performs the bulk of the business processes. In the case of a rich Internet application (RIA), however, the business process implementation will be shared by both the application running inside the Web browser and the server that implements business Web services. This means that the business events as well as technology events generated within the Silverlight application need to be sent to the server through a set of special Web services.

Examples of business events in this solution case are when the user (rep) rejects the call ("rep rejected the call") or accepts the call ("rep accepted the call"). Typical technology events are "Connection to Call Manager TCP server failed" and "Web service exception."

Business Service Integration
The call center solution, just like any LOB application, needs to be integrated with data that may be stored in a relational database. I will use Web services as a vehicle for this integration.

For a better user experience, I will cache the information locally in memory as well as on the disk. The cached information may include the XML files that indicate the rep's prompter scripts and other reference data that may not change often.

Security Application
Security is a fundamental requirement of this kind of application. The security includes authentication, authorization, privacy of data in flight and at rest, and user profile-based data trimming.

Integration with the Cloud Services
Integration with a cloud-based foundation service, such as storage service, requires special server-side infrastructures. This is so that the use of cloud services can be closely monitored and throttled for accountability and service levels.

Data Driven Silverlight Applications for the Enterprise