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Logparser Scenario 5:Analyzing the IISlogs to see if there is any pattern for errors

This blog entry is a continuation of the KB Article

Scenario 5: Analyzing the IISlogs to see if there is any pattern for errors

A small background of the problem
You are using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6, have a few Web sites, and you are using COM components in a lot of your webpages. Now, somehow you find that there are quite a few errors being reported by the users, say error #500 "Internal Server Error" . You might like to know if there is any pattern for that, like any specific pages, etc.

Answer: Open the Log Parser command window, and use the following command:

LOGPARSER -i:IISW3C file:C:\LPQ\FindErrorInIISLogFiles.sql -rtp:-1 -q:on

FindErrorInIISLogFiles.sql contains the following code...

 COUNT(*) as [Count],
 sc-status from
WHERE sc-status = 500
GROUP BY cs-uri-stem, sc-status

Sample output

Count cs-uri-stem              sc-status
----- ------------------------ ---------
28    /ru/Reporting.asp        500
20    /ru/CreateMail.asp       500

As can be seen, now we know the culprit and it is the pages listed above which we need to look at and fix! Here, -i:IISW3C signifies that we are querying the IIS W3C logs. You can view the complete list of IISW3C input format fields in the documentation and frame your query accordingly.

