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Identity Roadmap Presentation at PDC09

Kim Cameron, the Chief Architect of Identity in the Identity and Security Division at Microsoft writes on his Identity Blog:


Earlier this week I presented the Identity Keynote at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in LA. The slide deck is here, and the video is here.

After announcing the release of the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) as an Extension to .NET, I brought forward three architect/engineers to discuss how claims had helped them solve their development problems. I chose these particular guests because I wanted the developer audience to be able to benefit from the insights they had previously shared with me about the advantages - and challenges - of adopting the claims based model. Each guest talks about the approach he took and the lessons learned.

Andrew Bybee, Principal Program Manager from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, talked about the role of identity in delivering the “the Power of Choice” - the ability for his customers to run his software wherever they want, on premises or in the cloud or in combination, and to offer access to anyone they choose.

Venky Veeraraghavan, the Program Manager in charge of identity for SharePoint, talks about what it was like to completely rethink the way identity works in Sharepoint so it takes advantage of the claims based architecture to solve problems that previously had been impossibly difficult. He explores the problems of ”Multi-hop” systems and web farms, especially the “Dreaded Second Hop” - which he admits “really, really scares us…” I find his explanation riveting and think any developer of large scale systems will agree.

Dmitry Sotnikov, who is Manager of New Product Research at Quest Software, presents a remarkable Azure-based version of a product Quest has previously offered only “on premise”. The service is a backup system for Active Directory, and involved solving a whole set of hard identity problems involving devices and data as well as people.

Later in the presentation, while discussing future directions, I announce the Community Technical Preview of our new work on REST-based authorization (a profile of OAuth), and then show the prototype of the mutli-protocol identity selector Mike Jones unveiled at the recent IIW. And finally, I talk for the first time about “System.Identity”, work on user-centric next generation directory that I wanted to take to the community for feedback. I’ll be blogging about this a lot and hopefully others from the blogosphere will find time to discuss it with me.