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Customizing the Alert Messages in IE

Have you ever felt that this looks ugly ?

Did you ever want to customize the Image , the text, the Icons ?

You would probably want to customize it to the Look and feel of your web application.

We are gonna talk about how to customize the Alert Box in IE .

When we are done , it will look like this .

We can change the Default ALERT function with Javascript .

 window.alert=function( alertMessage ){
//Function Body
 Thats it!!! Thats the Magic line!
 With this function , you can customize the way the alert messages are shown.
 I will demonstrate one way to render the custom Alert  message.
 We will put a DIV in the Page that will show the alert message .
 <div id="alertPanel">
 We will form the body by forming a string containing the representational HTML .
     <DIV> //To Contain the Alert Message
        <IMG> //The icon of the message prompt
              <SPAN> //This element contains the text to be shown
              <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON"/> //The Button to close the alert message 
 Actual Code showing the same 
 var alertBox = "<DIV style=\"width:350px;height:70px\" class=\"alertPosition\">";
            alertBox +="<div class=\"alertBoxIn\" >";
                     alertBox  +="<img src=\"images/InfoBox-48x48.png\" style=\"position: relative; top: 1%; left: 2%\" /></td>";
                     alertBox +="<SPAN style=\"position: relative; top:-30%; left: 12%\">"+alertMessage+"</SPAN>";
                     alertBox  +="<input style=\"position: relative; top:20%; left:10%\" type=\"button\" value=\"    Ok      \" onclick=\"closeAlert();\" />";
 Once the Body of the Alert message is formed , we need to add it to the document.
 we will do this by injecting the body of the Alert Message into the alertPanel Div that we already have on the page .
 document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML = alertBox;
 Upon click of the Button , you would want to close the alert message .
 We close the Alert message by removing it from the document .
 document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML =   "" ;
 The Completed Function looks like this ......
 window.alert=function( alertMessage )
    var alertBox = "";
            alertBox +="<div style=\"width:350px;height:70px\" class=\"alertBoxIn alertPosition\" >";
                     alertBox  +="<img src=\"images/InfoBox-48x48.png\" style=\"position: relative; top: 1%; left: 2%\" /></td>";
                     alertBox +="<SPAN style=\"position: relative; top:-30%; left: 12%\">"+alertMessage+"</SPAN>";
                     alertBox  +="<input style=\"position: relative; top:20%; left:10%\" type=\"button\" value=\"    Ok      \" onclick=\"closeAlert();\" />";
    document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML = alertBox;
 Creating your own alert prompt message
 I changed the icon to make it look like an error message .
 See here.....

 The javascript for this custom error function is :
 function ErorMessage( errorMessage )
  var alertBox = "<DIV style=\"width:350px;height:70px\" class=\"alertPosition\">";
            alertBox +="<div class=\"alertBoxIn\" >";
                     alertBox  +="<img src=\"images/ErrorCircle-48x48.png\" style=\"position: relative; top: 1%; left: 2%\" /></td>";
                     alertBox +="<SPAN style=\"position: relative; top:-30%; left: 12%\">"+errorMessage+"</SPAN>";
                     alertBox  +="<input style=\"position: relative; top:20%; left:10%\" type=\"button\" value=\"    Ok      \" onclick=\"closeAlert();\" />";
    document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML = alertBox;
 Once this function is implemented, you can use the alert in your functions normally , be sure to include the script and the div "alertPanel".
 The Complete code looks like this ......
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <title>AJAX Client Side Documentation</title>
    <link href="css/defaultStyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    <script language="javascript">
        window.alert=function( alertMessage )
                var alertBox = "";
                        alertBox +="<div style=\"width:350px;height:70px\" class=\"alertBoxIn alertPosition\" >";
                                 alertBox  +="<img src=\"n\" style=\"position: relative; top: 1%; left: 2%\" /></td>";
                                 alertBox +="<SPAN style=\"position: relative; top:-30%; left: 12%\">"+alertMessage+"</SPAN>";
                                 alertBox  +="<input style=\"position: relative; top:20%; left:10%\" type=\"button\" value=\"    Ok      \" onclick=\"closeAlert();\" />";
                document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML = alertBox;
            function ErorMessage( errorMessage )
              var alertBox = "<DIV style=\"width:350px;height:70px\" class=\"alertPosition\">";
                        alertBox +="<div class=\"alertBoxIn\" >";
                                 alertBox  +="<img src=\"images/ErrorCircle-48x48.png\" style=\"position: relative; top: 1%; left: 2%\" /></td>";
                                 alertBox +="<SPAN style=\"position: relative; top:-30%; left: 12%\">"+errorMessage+"</SPAN>";
                                 alertBox  +="<input style=\"position: relative; top:20%; left:10%\" type=\"button\" value=\"    Ok      \" onclick=\"closeAlert();\" />";
                document.getElementById("alertPanel").innerHTML = alertBox;

            function closeAlert()
                var alertBox =  document.getElementById("alertPanel");
                alertBox.innerHTML ="";


    <input type="button" value="Alert Popup" onclick="javascript:alert('This is a custom alert message')" />
    <input type="button" value="Error Popup" onclick="javascript:ErorMessage('This is a custom Error message')" />
    <div id="alertPanel">
 The Images I use in the demo come from here ...
 The Icons rock !!! If interested , give the author a visit at :  I strongly suggest you check them out .


  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2007
    You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2007
    Great! Simple and effective. You rock...

  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2007
    Hello, Excellent work ! I've tested it on IE 6 and FireFox. It seems working on FF . Is there a reason why you mention only IE ? Regards.

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2007
    Hi Cyrille , Glad to know that it works on FireFox too :-) The Reason I mentioned only IE is because I tested it only on IE . Thanks, Raj

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2007
    Hi, I'm using your example, but calling the alert message from a server control in code behind, and it doesn't seem to work, the error I get is document.getElementbyId() is null or not an object..any ideas ??, Here is my code :    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click        Dim script As String        script = "alert('Hola')"        If Not ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("Hola") Then            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "Hola", script, True)        End If    End Sub

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2008
    hello. Can anybody tell me why the script is not working ? I copy/paste, and nothing :( I download a .png but that is only good thing