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[SharePoint] Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32. en SharePoint

English version below!

 Si has recibido el error "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32." cuando intentas acceder a una lista puede ser debido a que tengas corrupción en la base de datos. En mi caso era que había un valor negativo en el campo tp_itemCount de la tabla dbo.allListAux.

 La siguiente Query os permitirá saber si tenéis alguna lista con algún valor negativo en el ItemCount.

 Select (select webs.FullUrl from Webs where webs.Id = AllLists.tp_WebId) as [url], AllListsAux.ItemCount
from AllListsAux, AllLists order by AllListsAux.ItemCount

 Para resolver esto, debéis llamar a soporte de Microsoft o restaurar de un backup de la base de datos de contenido en un entorno de desarrollo, podéis contar los elementos y poner el valor a mano.

  TENED EN CUENTA: No está soportado editar el contenido o modificar la base de datos en ningún caso y vuestro entorno podría quedar fuera de soporte.


Espero que al menos os sirva para encontrar el fallo.



English Version_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


   If you've got the error: "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32." when trying to access a SharePoint list you may have database corruption. In my case there was a negative value in tp_itemCount field of the AllListAux table in the Content Database. 


    The following query will allow you to know if you have any list with a negative value in tp_itemCount field


Select (select webs.FullUrl from Webs where webs.Id = AllLists.tp_WebId) as [url], AllListsAux.ItemCount
from AllListsAux, AllLists order by AllListsAux.ItemCount

 In order to solve this issue, you should open a case to Microsoft Support or restore a Content Database backup from production environment to a DEV environment and modify the table manually.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not supported to modify a Content Database in any way, so your environment will be out of support. Do not try this in your production environment.

At least I hope I helped you to find the issue.