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Simulation Enhancements in FSX

A lot of users have asked what we have done in the way of enhancements to aircraft and the simulation in general. Here are some that stand out for me off the top of my head (not an all inclusive list).

  • New Sim Connect API so third parties can more easily access variables in the sim (i.e. it should be easier for them to build complex aircraft and do it more quickly)
  • Completely reworked 2D and VC cockpits for most aircraft
  • Completely reworked aircraft exteriors
  • Improved VC lighting
  • Many new and/or improved gauges
  • G1000 and the use of vector graphics for some elements
  • Air Traffic Control Tower and associated gauges for use in MP
  • Flight model tuning for some aircraft based on beta tester feedback (such as thrust/drag tuning and bug fixing)
  • Retractable skis
  • Individually retractable tip-floats
  • Automatic pressurization system
  • New failure models including; Fuel leak, oil leak, oil system failure, fuel pump failure and others
  • APU system
  • Engine and APU fire failure modes
  • Fire suppression
  • Fixed helicopter autorotations and other tuning/bugs
  • Improved water surface dynamics
  • Negative flaps
  • Flaperons
  • Drooping ailerons (droop when flaps are extended)
  • Wing flex
  • Water ballast
  • Droppable objects
  • AI tow plane
  • Tow plane rope/interconnected aircraft
  • Landable platforms that can move
  • Vehicles and animals that can move around following waypoints
  • Completely reworked infrastructure for managing objects in the world

And that's just a few of them and doesn't even go into the other aspects of the sim such as the round earth model, space level altitudes, new audio system, new camera system, enhanced scenery detail and complexity, new graphics pipeline and shader support, dynamic airport AI, all new multi-player, new mission system, thousands of new scnery objects, and the list just goes on and on. I won't (or can't) go into the things we almost had or experimented with, but ended up cutting for one reason or another...

I'm sure the whiners of the FS community will pick each and every one of these new systems and models apart and complain that we didn't go far enough with each, or got something wrong, but the truth is that adding and expanding the capabilities of the simulation will make it easier and more flexible for the community to build upon and add onto the platform we are building whether you like our specific implementation or not.

I personally am very proud of what the simulation team and the greater FSX team has been able to accomplish in this version.


  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    "Fixed helicopter autorotations and other tuning/bugs"

    Thats all that would have made me happy, everthing else is a plus.
  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    An impressive list indeed..... ! Again !

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    Cut features we just didn't have time to finish at a quality level we are happy with often do move on to the next version. Stuff that just didn't work well enough or wasn't feasible may not get worked out enough to move on.
  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    Sim Connect API: Any chance we can read the current realism setting out of that? (or other settings from the current fs(n).cfg that are not accessable through FSUIPC) Purdy please :-)?
  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    When we release FSX, the SDK docs will tell you what you can and cannot access through Sim Connect. We are also planning to release quarterly updates to the API as well, so if it isn't there at launch, it could be added later.
  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2006
    Updates to the API? Dang, that's the best enhancement I've heard of yet. :)

    I actually have seen drooping ailerons in FS9 before, though I'm not really sure how it was done.