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Implementing the Algorithm for Deriving Password and encrypting Connection String in MS-RAIOP

In Microsoft Open Protocol documents, there are many algorithms that involve with crypto operations in some particular ways. Sometimes the protocol documents also provide specific protocol examples that include the initial input, the intermediate results and the final result for each step of the algorithm. The correctness of the result is very crucial for the implementers to validate their implementation step by step. Occasionally there may be some steps missing or wrong information included. The best way to verify if the examples are right is to have a sample implementation that is only based on the algorithm documented.

One of the examples is the operation of deriving a password and encrypting a connection string used in Remote Assistance Initiation over PNRP Protocol (MS-RAIOP). An example is provided at the section 4.1 of the document. It requires many steps of buffer manipulation, hashing, cipher key derivation and encryption. The documentation of some steps was not very accurate or clear initially. Some readers had problems to implement the operation correctly. We have to develop a sample implementation to verify the existing documentation and then fix the problems found. This blog will provide the sample implementation for each step and point out the document problems corrected. As an attachment, the complete source file will be attached for any implementer to use with the protocol document.

I will copy the section 4.1 of MS-RAIOP below and annotate it with the sample implementation.

The first is the initialization part for variable initialization and crypto system setup.

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])


         int nRetCode = 0;HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv;

        HCRYPTKEY hKey;

         HCRYPTHASH hHash;

         DWORD dwHashLen,dwHashLenSize;

         BYTE       *pbHash;

         BYTE       szLastHash[6];  //used in step 5

          wchar_t szConnectionString[128];

         wchar_t ValidPasswordCharacterString[30];

         StringCchCopyW(ValidPasswordCharacterString,29+1, L"BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ23456789");

         BYTE AESKeyBlob[] = {  0x08,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x0e,0x66,0x00,0x00, // BLOB header ,AES128

           0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,                     // key length, in bytes

           0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00, 0x00,     

           0x00 , 0x00  // AES key  value popluated late };

          DWORD timeSeconds= 1218745079;

         DWORD dwLength = 0;

         DWORD dwConnectionStringLength= 0;

         size_t sizeTemp;


         //Initialization of the Crypto system


        if ( !CryptAcquireContextW(&hCryptProv,   0,  (LPCWSTR)L"Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider",  PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_SILENT) )


              printf("CryptAcquireContextW failed\n");

              if ( GetLastError() == -2146893802 )


                  if (!CryptAcquireContextW(&hCryptProv, 0,

                                         (LPCWSTR)L"Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider",


                                          0xF0000048u) )

                    MyHandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext!");



4.1 Deriving a Password and Encrypting a Connection String for Unsecured Peer Name Initiation

This example follows the steps that appear in sections and, which show how to derive a password and encrypt a sample string:

 1. Assume for the connection string "SAMPLE", when encryption is done, 1218745079 seconds have elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.


           //Step 1: Assume for the connection string "SAMPLE", when encryption is done,   1218745079 seconds have elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.


         StringCchCopyW(szConnectionString, 6+1, L"SAMPLE");

         if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength(szConnectionString,128,(size_t*)&sizeTemp)))

                 dwConnectionStringLength = (DWORD)sizeTemp;

         printHex ( (BYTE*) &szConnectionString[0],dwConnectionStringLength * sizeof(wchar_t), "Connection String (Step 1):");


   2. The first hash input is the following, expressed in hexadecimal values.

      53 00 41 00 4d 00 50 00 4c 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

      00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


//Step 2:  Padding 20 bytes (10 wchar) to the connection string ("SAMPLE")


wchar_t padding[10];


 //add 20 bytes of zero for initial padding


dwLength = dwConnectionStringLength + 10;

printHex ( (BYTE*) &szConnectionString[0],dwLength * sizeof(wchar_t), "Inuput for first hash:");

3. After the first hash iteration, the hash result is the following, expressed in hexadecimal values.

   00 df 01 a1 9d 25 89 60 e6 a4 4a a9 8b e9 c2 6f 00 29 22 39

4. When the hash result is added back to the original input, a new hash input results, which is expressed here in hexadecimal values.

   53 00 41 00 4d 00 50 00 4c 00 45 00 00 df 01 a1 9d 25 89 60

   e6 a4 4a a9 8b e9 c2 6f 00 29 22 39

5. After the 100,000 iterations, the first sequence of 6 bytes of the hash result is the following, expressed in hexadecimal values.

   1d f6 35 43 74 92


      //Step 3,4 & 5: for the 100,000 hash iterations.  The hash value of the each  iteration is copied to the last 20 bytes of the input buffer for the next iteration


      for (int it = 0 ; it< 100000;it++)


           if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_SHA, 0, 0, &hHash))

              MyHandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");

            if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)szConnectionString, dwLength * sizeof(wchar_t), 0))

                                    MyHandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");

           if(!CryptGetHashParam(hHash,  HP_HASHSIZE,(BYTE *)&dwHashLen,&dwHashLenSize,0))

                 MyHandleError("CryptGetHashParam failed to get size.");

            if(!(pbHash = (BYTE*)malloc(dwHashLen)))

                 MyHandleError("Allocation failed.");


                 MyHandleError("Error during reading hash value.");

             //This is the output of value for the Step 3

            if (it == 0)

              printHex ( (BYTE*)pbHash,dwHashLen, "The first hash output (step 9):");

            else if (it == 99999)  //last iteration


                 //This is the hash value of the last hash iteration

                 printHex ( (BYTE*)pbHash,6, "The final hash  (step 5):");

                 memcpy((BYTE*) &szLastHash[0],pbHash,6);



            memcpy((BYTE*) &szConnectionString[dwConnectionStringLength],pbHash,dwHashLen);




6. Each byte is divided by 256 and then multiplied by 29 (the number of characters in the string). The resulting fractions are discarded to obtain an index for each byte. The resulting index for each byte is looked up in the password character string "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ23456789" to obtain the corresponding character for that byte.

First value: 0x1d is 29, (29/256) * 29 =3.29 -> 3

Indexes: 3 27 6 7 13 16

Resultant characters: F 8 J K R V 


     //Step 6:  Use the first six bytes of hash values to compute the index to ValidPasswordCharacterString array for each byte.


     for (int j = 0;j <6;j++)

         szConnectionString[j] = ValidPasswordCharacterString[szLastHash[j] * 29 / 256];

     szConnectionString[6] =0;

     printHex ( (BYTE*)&szConnectionString[0],6*sizeof(wchar_t), "The string from the valid password character  (step 6):");


7. When the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 is divided by 3600, the resulting figure is the number of hours that have elapsed since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. This number is concatenated to the derived characters to get the string "F8JKRV338540".


    //Step 7:  When the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 is divided by 3600, the   resulting figure is the number of hours that have elapsed since

    //         Jan 1, 1970 UTC. This number is concatenated to the derived characters 


    wchar_t szTemp[32];

    StringCchPrintf(szTemp, 32,L"%d", timeSeconds/3600);


     if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchLengthW(&szConnectionString[0],128,&sizeTemp)))

         dwConnectionStringLength = (DWORD)sizeTemp;

     printHex (  (BYTE*)&szConnectionString[0], dwConnectionStringLength*sizeof(wchar_t) , "After adding the time  (step 7):");


8. The first hash input is the previous string copied into a byte buffer that is expressed in hexadecimal values.

   46 00 38 00 4a 00 4b 00 52 00 56 00 33 00 33 00 38 00 35 00

   34 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

   00 00 00 00

9. The first hash result is the following value, expressed in hexadecimal.

   5f 3d 53 db 86 9a f1 ac 24 63 21 f4 c1 78 90 6d 91 a7 1a d5

10. The hash result is then copied into the byte buffer and expressed in the following hexadecimal values.

   46 00 38 00 4a 00 4b 00 52 00 56 00 33 00 33 00 38 00 35 00

34 00 30 00 5f 3d 53 db 86 9a f1 ac 24 63 21 f4 c1 78 90 6d

91 a7 1a d5

     11. The first 16 bytes of the final hash value, which occurs after 100,000 iterations, is expressed as the following hexadecimal values.

      30 e3 db fb 31 4b 40 9a 70 bc ce 74 4c ad e6 5f

   12. The previous value is then converted into a Unicode string and results in "30E3DBFB314B409A70BCCE744CADE65F".


                 //step 8,9,10,11 :   Do 100,000 iterations of hash, copying the output  of the previous iteration to the input of next iteration  




              dwLength = dwConnectionStringLength+ 10;

             //output the result for step 8

             printHex (  (BYTE*)&szConnectionString[0], dwLength *sizeof(wchar_t) , "The first hash input after padding 20 bytes of zeros  (step 8):");

            for (int it = 0 ; it< 100000;it++)


                 if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_SHA, 0, 0, &hHash))

                    MyHandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");

                if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)szConnectionString, dwLength * sizeof(wchar_t), 0))

                   MyHandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");

                 if(!CryptGetHashParam(hHash,HP_HASHSIZE,(BYTE *)&dwHashLen,&dwHashLenSize,0))

                     MyHandleError("CryptGetHashParam failed to get size.");

                if(!(pbHash = (BYTE*)malloc(dwHashLen)))

                     MyHandleError("Allocation failed.");


                     MyHandleError("Error during reading hash value.");

                 if (it == 0)  //output the result for step 9

                     printHex ( (BYTE*)pbHash,dwHashLen, "The first hash output (step 9):");

                 else if (it == 99999)


                        //output the hash result in step 11

                       printHex ( (BYTE*)pbHash,16, "The first 16 bytes of the final hash  (step 11):");

                       //convert it to the HexConvertedUnicodeString

                        wchar_t temp[20];

                        wchar_t *pInput = (wchar_t*)  szConnectionString;

                        pInput[0] = 0;

                       for (int j = 0;j <16;j++)



                           wcscat((wchar_t *)&pInput[0],temp);


                       dwLength = 64;

                       //output the hash result in step 11

                       printHex ( (BYTE*)pInput,dwLength, "The hex converted string format of the hash result (step 12):");





              //copy the hash value into the hash input buffer for the next iteration

             memcpy((BYTE*) &szConnectionString[dwConnectionStringLength],pbHash,dwHashLen);

             //output the result for step 10

             if (it ==0)

                   printHex (  (BYTE*)&szConnectionString[0], dwLength *sizeof(wchar_t) , "The second hash input after copying the first hash value (step 10):");




13. Using the SHA-1 hash algorithm, hash the key string from step 12 to obtain the following hexadecimal values.

    bb 50 02 ab ff f3 f8 23 6d 84 7d 50 ee a9 9a ba 2b 2c 1e 45


         //Step 13: Using the SHA-1 hash algorithm, hash the key string from step 12.


         if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_SHA, 0, 0, &hHash))

             MyHandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");

          if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)szConnectionString, dwLength , 0))

             MyHandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");

        if(!CryptGetHashParam(hHash,HP_HASHSIZE,(BYTE *)&dwHashLen,&dwHashLenSize,0))

              MyHandleError("CryptGetHashParam failed to get size.");

         if(!(pbHash = (BYTE*)malloc(dwHashLen)))

              MyHandleError("Allocation failed.");


               MyHandleError("Error during reading hash value.");

          memcpy ((BYTE*)  szConnectionString,(BYTE*)pbHash,dwHashLen);

         printHex ((BYTE*)szConnectionString,dwHashLen, "The hash value of the hex key string in step 12 (step 13):");



14. Using the resultant hash in step 13 and the AES_128 algorithm, as specified in [FIPS197], derive the following cipher key for encryption.

49 95 da af 8f cb fd fc 1d 21 f5 72 52 46 52 eb


      //Step 14:  Using the resultant hash in step 13 and the following logic to derive the AES 128 hash key


      char buffer1[64];

       BYTE *pInput = (BYTE*)  &szConnectionString[0];

      memset((char*) &buffer1[0],0x36,64);

      for (int i=0;i<20;i++)

         buffer1[i] = buffer1[i] ^  pInput[i];

      if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_SHA, 0, 0, &hHash))

         MyHandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");

      if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)buffer1, 64, 0))

         MyHandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");

      if(!CryptGetHashParam(hHash,HP_HASHSIZE,(BYTE *)&dwHashLen,&dwHashLenSize,0))

         MyHandleError("CryptGetHashParam failed to get size.");

      if(!(pbHash = (BYTE*)malloc(dwHashLen)))

         MyHandleError("Allocation failed.");


           MyHandleError("Error during reading hash value.");

       memcpy((BYTE*) &AESKeyBlob[12],pbHash,16);

       printHex ( (BYTE*) &AESKeyBlob[12],16, "The AES 128 key drived from the resulatnt hash in step 13 (step 14):");



15. Encrypting the original connection string "SAMPLE" with the cipher key, results in the following encrypted value.

    7f d6 54 48 2f e0 92 73 d7 69 85 b0 1d 4b 7a 4b


      //Step 15: encrypt original connection string "SAMPLE: with the cipher key in step 14


      StringCchCopyW(szConnectionString, 6+1, L"SAMPLE");

      if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength(szConnectionString,128,(size_t*)&sizeTemp)))

         dwConnectionStringLength = (DWORD)sizeTemp;

      dwConnectionStringLength = dwConnectionStringLength * sizeof(wchar_t);

       //Create a key from the key blob

      if (!CryptImportKey(hCryptProv,(BYTE*) &AESKeyBlob[0],sizeof(AESKeyBlob),0,CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hKey))

             MyHandleError("Error create a AES key from the  key blob");

       //Encrpyt the connection string "SAMPLE" using the key

      if (!CryptEncrypt(hKey,NULL,TRUE,0,(BYTE*) &szConnectionString[0],&dwConnectionStringLength,128))

             MyHandleError("Error encrypting the connection string");

      printHex (  (BYTE*) &szConnectionString[0],dwConnectionStringLength, "Encrypted data: (Step 15)");

      The following section will do the final clean up.


       //final clean up




            MyHandleError("Error during CryptDestroyKey");


          if(!(CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0)))

             MyHandleError("Error during CryptReleaseContext");


 While developing the sample Implementation, we found that the following steps have unclear information that may cause an unsuccessful implementation.

  •  In step 12, the string used should be a Unicode string instead of an ASCII string as it appears.  
  • The detailed steps of deriving an AES key from a string are not specified unless you just use Windows API CryptDeriveKey() function. This may cause problem for the implementers who don’t use the Windows platform.

Based on the verification using the sample implementation, we fixed the related section in MS-RAIOP.

 This proves that the sample implementation based on the protocol example is a very effective way to verify the protocol documentation and also provides a good reference for the third party to implement the interoperable solutions with the Windows platform. 
