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.NET Compact Framework turns 1.0 today...

Happy 1st birthday .NET Compact Framework!


One year ago today, in New Orleans, Bill Gates officially launched the .NET Compact Framework.


It has been quite an eventful year:

- the web site was launched and retired (don't worry all your published links redirect intelligently into MSDN),

- the MSDN Mobile and Embedded Application Developer Center was launched

- .NET Compact Framework wins Jolt Award,

- community web sites and projects start popping up all over the www,

- over 50 articles published to the MSDN library,

- the .NET Compact Framework FAQ was created,

- Windows CE .NET 4.2 is released to manufacturing,

- Windows Mobile software 2003 was launched (.NET Compact Framework is in ROM!),

- Over 40 case studies published,

- and much more


I would like to thank the following groups of people for making this such a great year:

- the .NET Compact Framework and Visual Studio Device teams; for making such great products,

- our MVPs for doing such a great job in the .NET Compact Framework newsgroup and for putting together,

- our many partners,

- everyone that has written an article or posted a sample somewhere on the internet,

- every developer out there that has tried mobile development with the .NET Compact Framework.


If you have a .NET Compact Framework related product, service, solution, success story, application, sample, article, web site or anything at all that you would like me to share with the world, drop me an email at


  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2004

    Just 2 phones in the US market is not compelling enough as a deployment
    platform. Microsoft need to do more and soon.

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2004
    That may be true for the Smartphone platform in the US but the Compact Framework is for a much wider range of devices - All generations of Pocket PC and devices running Windows CE.NET 4.1 and later.