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Introducing Data Loss Prevention in the New Exchange

The Data loss prevention (DLP) feature in the new Exchange will help you identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information in your organization through deep content analysis. DLP is increasingly important for enterprise message systems because business critical email includes sensitive data that needs to be protected. It’s the financial information, personally identifiable information (PII) and intellectual property data that can be accidently sent to unauthorized users that keeps the CSO up all night. In order to protect sensitive data without affecting worker productivity, the new version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 integrates DLP features so you can manage sensitive data in email more easily than ever before.

You can be comfortable getting started with DLP in Exchange because Microsoft has included a simple management interface that allows you to:

  • Start with a pre-configured policy template that can help you detect specific types of sensitive information such as PCI-DSS data, Gramm-Leach-Bliley act data, or even locale-specific personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Use the full power of existing transport rule predicates and actions and add new transport rules
  • Test the effectiveness of your DLP policies before fully enforcing them
  • Incorporate your own custom DLP policy templates and sensitive information types
  • Detect sensitive information in message attachments, body text or subject lines and adjust the confidence level at which Exchange takes action
  • Add Policy Tips, which can help reduce data loss by displaying a notice to your Outlook users and can also improve the effectiveness of your policies by allowing false-positive reporting
  • Review incident data in message tracking logs or add reporting by using a new generate incident report action

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