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Strange thinking about Microsoft Office

Feedback and help on Office 2007 beta 2

As so many of you are asking me about where to submit feedback or log bugs on the beta 2, I thought...

Author: dstrange Date: 06/07/2006

Mummy, what happens when I die?

Said the baby document to its parent document. "Well dear, just like all of us in the Contract...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/26/2006

2007 Office beta 2 available for public download today!

Finally I am super super excited (as it were) to announce that beta 2 is now public - hurray! You...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/23/2006

New UK IW Partner blog

The partner IW blog from the UK team seems to be up and running. I'm adding it to my (short)...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/22/2006

UK Office System Developer Conference 2006

Most weeks somebody on Officerocker asks me about whether we are running the devcon this year. I’m...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/19/2006

IW Heroes - win some cheap marketing tatt!

So we had a great time in New York City at the reviewers workshop. While I was there I got a chance...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/18/2006

Blogging from Word 2007 in beta 2

How cool is this? This is a test post using the Word blog post feature which turns up in beta 2.

Author: dstrange Date: 05/18/2006

Word count does not incur any CPU hit

I'm out in New York at the moment with some press and finally got the answer on the word count...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/04/2006

Now be in two places at once!

One of the joys of working for a US firm is that at 3pm every day now we all have 2 hours of...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/02/2006

OneNote clarifies misunderstanding

As you know, I'm a OneNote fan - check out my blogcast to see why. I loved this story which shows...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/02/2006

Geek Boutique

The partner team here have put together their own homage to channel9 but with UK stars. As Steve...

Author: dstrange Date: 05/02/2006

Beer and pizza evening follow up

We had a good turn out at the Technet beer and pizza event in Reading this week. Thanks for all your...

Author: dstrange Date: 04/27/2006

Dump your stress this Easter

I just can't stop telling you about OneNote. It's like we've found our first love again since 2007...

Author: dstrange Date: 04/14/2006

Why Americans don't get irony

The classic test of an American is, as any Englishman knows, that they don't understand the...

Author: dstrange Date: 04/13/2006

More on OfficeLive

Watched a good internal talk on OfficeLive tonight (thanks to Mark for the forward). They talk about...

Author: dstrange Date: 04/12/2006

Interviews over IM?

My thanks to Rich Hay who introduced me to the concept of doing an interview over instant messaging....

Author: dstrange Date: 04/11/2006

Register for the 2007 Office beta

The preview site has been totally revamped and is looking very nice. This is where you can register...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/28/2006

Offline document editing in Outlook 2007

In response to question from Swabes I tested out what happens if you change a document in a...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/27/2006

Blogcast: Outlook 2007 (14mins)

In this blogcast I demo some of the new features of Outlook 2007. In particular I look at how it can...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/25/2006

2007 Office for Christmas?

I've learnt today that although we will be holding back 2007 Office for retail and OEM until Jan...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/24/2006

2007 Office release still on track for RTM in October

I don't like to just quote press statements on the blog but this seems to have caused some confusion...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/24/2006

dev con coverage

I'm looking for bloggers at devcon and came across this one at Matthew Cosiers blog who's doing a...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/23/2006

The Groove Virus

OK relax, this is not a post about some new STD you need to protect yourself from. Although while...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/23/2006

More information on the Open XML Format Developer community is available at...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/22/2006

if you are interested in the webcast I blogged yesterday:...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/22/2006

NDA on Office lifted (nearly entirely)

Internally, we've been told this today which is a relief: 2007 Microsoft Office system news NDA...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/22/2006

Dev conf continued

Kurt DelBene on now - bit of marketing slideware for a while (sorry I started checking email...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/21/2006

Office Dev conference keynote continued

Bill hands over to Jay Paulus, GPM from the Office team for the demo: shows off excel pivot tables...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/21/2006

Why SharePoint was such a runaway success

SharePoint is in the "leader" quadrant in the Gartner's analysis. Apparently SharePoint is the most...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/20/2006

Blogcast: OneNote 2007

I've been meaning to record a OneNote 2007 demo for a while so here it is. OneNote 2007 is a very...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/18/2006

DesignIT: Innovation deserves recognition

I think this is such a great idea. DesignIT is a competition to showcase the vision, creativity and...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/14/2006

The SharePoint User Group UK

There is a new usergroup for SharePoint that has been set up in the UK. It's a great forum to...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/14/2006

Word counter in Word 2007

A lot of people, particularly journalists who write articles for a living, ask me whether we can put...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/13/2006

Come and meet me

I'll be speaking at the technet event here in Reading on 25th April so come and say hi.I'll be...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/10/2006

Hallelujah! beta 1 gets a face lift

Today the beta 1 technical refresh got released internally and it looks great :-) First impressions...

Author: dstrange Date: 03/09/2006

What's in a name? The 2007 Microsoft Office System

In case you missed the announcement, we finally ditched Office "12" and can now talk about the "2007...

Author: dstrange Date: 02/17/2006

becoming a better spokesperson

I'm enjoying Matthew Stibbe's recent posts:"how to build a good relationsip with the media" and "how...

Author: dstrange Date: 02/08/2006

Blogcast: Intro to the Office 12 user interface

Sometimes its better to show than to tell so I thought I'd have a go at recording one of my demos of...

Author: dstrange Date: 02/05/2006

Office12watch - cool blog

cool new blog I came across today: to my blogroll.

Author: dstrange Date: 02/01/2006

Try Calibri not Comic Sans

Comic Sans is a font never designed for the purposes it is often used for but people use it because...

Author: dstrange Date: 01/26/2006

Corel support OpenXML but not ODF due to no customer demand

To follow on from my previous post on this, here is another good article on the Corel decision to...

Author: dstrange Date: 01/26/2006

Bill Gates runs like a girl

I bust my knee this week and can hardly walk so I'd probably settle for being able to run like a...

Author: dstrange Date: 01/24/2006

Raikes talks about Office Live

Jeff talking to CNet about Office Live. I'm really excited about OfficeLive, particularly for small...

Author: dstrange Date: 01/20/2006

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