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The RTM version of the Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT) is now available!

The Office team is excited to announce the final release of the Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT). OEAT is a free tool that scans client computers for add-ins and applications that interact with Office 97, Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, the 2007 Office system, and Office 2010. The tool is designed to be used by IT Pros who are assessing application compatibility as part of their Office 2010 migration planning.


If you used the beta version of OEAT, you’ll notice that the RTM version of OEAT now incorporates functionality to compare the discovered add-ins and applications against the list of add-ins that are pledged to be compatible by ISVs who submit them to the Microsoft Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Application Compatibility Visibility Program. OEAT compares the vendor name, product name, and version name and reports the results as partial or exact matches in the summary spreadsheet. Here’s an example:

When you run OEAT in your own environment, you might find that you have many add-ins marked “Unknown,” which means that the add-in’s vendor has not pledged compatibility yet. The vendor list is continuously growing as more vendors pledge compatibility, and OEAT will download a fresh list of compatible add-ins each time the summary report is generated. A status of “Unknown” does not mean the add-in is not compatible; it just means you’ll need to perform your own compatibility testing for add-ins marked "Unknown."


Want to learn more about OEAT and Office compatibility? See these resources on TechNet:


· Download OEAT

· Compatibility Resource Center

· Application compatibility assessment and remediation guide for Office 2010

· Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT) user's guide for Office 2010