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TechEd Atlanta : Day 2

If you missed out on TechEd Berlin highlights, follow the links for each day.

Last night was great as everyone came to enjoy the Product Fair and the Technical Learning Center in the Exhibition Center.

As day two rolled in, new faces came by to talk to us about specific issues that they had with moving forward on deployments or post semi-distributed deployments.  We love hearing from everyone with their unique scenarios and providing resources for the future that they can look to like OFFICEITPRO.COM.

Behind our Office 2010 Demo station, the new “Best Practices Drive Through” experience area was getting busy. The word must have gotten out, because each session has been filled to the point that we had standing room only, spilling out of the walls. As mentioned in one session, a cartoon described Innovation as sometimes like this: “Your proposal is innovating, unfortunately we won’t be able to use it because we’ve never tried something like this.” Has this happened to you with your company?

Office 2010 - “Know It, Love It, Use It”.  What gets your users excited? One example would be to show them one of your favourite features. For me it's fun to show Word Co-authoring, and the PowerPoint Broadcast feature. You can also drive users to use new things in a fun interactive way with the new Ribbon Hero 2.

Today we demo’ d quite a few instances of Co-authoring and highlighting the new features of Office 2010. If you missed our demo or wanted to read more about it check out the resources on or take a look at the following quick video.

If you missed the Drive-Thru Office Session "Create your training plan", here are some moments on video. 


Stop by tomorrow for another round.