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Can you do this? Store all your email forever

Email Compliance and Archival has historically been complex and expensive to achieve.  Even worse, if you did manage to get and archive setup, actually finding that historical email was almost impossible to do in timely manner without a large investment in expensive custom storage.  It was the it project that never stopped getting more expensive and time consuming

Not anymore.

With Office365 Exchange Plan 2, you get a 25GB inbox, an unlimited personal archive for your users, and unlimited retention and retrieval for you organisation.  Even if your users delete an email it can still be retained, and the organsiation can choose when to destroy emails as well. Your users get bottomless storage, the organsiation gets the retention and compliance it needs, and the IT folks get to go do something other than deploy storage to support the ever growing archive.

All with a couple of clicks in the admin console - its one of those features that we can deliver easily through the size and scale of our datacenter investment, and through role based access control you can even completely delegate discovery seraches to you compliance officers so that IT dont need to be invloved anymore.