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We have spaces left for the ICEHOUSE and Microsoft BizSpark Innovation Academy event 20th June


If you are based in Auckland, New Zealand and are a new software startup you may be interested in attending this:

Innovation Academy Logo




Microsoft BizSpark in association with World Top 10 Technology Incubator The ICEHOUSE, is running the latest in a series of day long, Innovation Academy events.

This event will give you an introduction to the knowledge, tools and contacts that you need to fast-track your start up business.


Successful, high performing businesses have the three components of clear and effective Leadership, smart Strategy and outstanding Execution aligned and working together.  In many businesses the people responsible for all three of these areas are the same person (the owner or owners).

The Innovation Academy day on Monday 20th June will focus on the Leadership component of the Hatchery Programme offered by The ICEHOUSE.

The session will cover the What, When and Why of your business so that the owner(s) can work on the right things in the right order and engage the right resources to help them achieve their goals.

Outcomes and Outputs for the Innovation Academy Attendees:

Every attendee will leave the day with:

1. A clear sense of personal aspirations, goals, and ambitions. 

2. A collective and aligned view of the company goals.

3. A clear and invigorated sense of direction for the company and its shareholders.

4. Documented high-level company goals across all areas of the business that the management team needs to deliver in order for the company to achieve its goals.

5. Documented and tested priorities and measurement and role clarity for the business.

6. A personal Leadership Plan tailored to your business and your role as a leader.

7. An Action Plan for the business, a Communications Plan for the owners, and an Accountability Plan for the reporting and governance functions of the business.





Leadership – who, what, when, why, how


Situational Analysis


Leadership Goals and Strategies


Priorities, Measurement & Reporting


Break for lunch


Role Clarity


Creating a Leadership Plan


Action Plan; Communications Plan; Accountability Plan






The day will be facilitated by Nick Egerton from The ICEHOUSE and Peter Wogan from Top Box Leadership.  Nick and Peter established the ICE Hatchery Programme and are the foundation facilitators of the programme working with a wide range of businesses from ideas through to growing businesses.


These events are brought to you by Microsoft BizSpark and The ICEHOUSE – at no charge to you.

To register, email me by clicking this link.