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Connecting native C/C++ code and Web Services using WWSAPI

On this page, you can find links to all resources available for connecting C and C++ code and web services. Windows Web Services API (WWSAPI) is a unified framework for building SOAP based web services and clients to them. It provides the support for the core WS-* and .NET-* protocols around building SOAP services. You can use WWSAPI in components and applications that fall into one of the following categories:

· Native code mandate and taking dependency on .Net Framework is not acceptable

· Require high throughput on the server side

· Require very small working set during runtime

· Minimal dependencies can be used

· Need for minimal startup time

· Memory constrained environments

WWSAPI is available out of the box on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. To get development tools, webservices.h header and webservices.lib library, you need to install Windows SDK for Windows 7.

Below are groups of links to resources available to help you to start using WWSAPI in your product.

Quick Start

Building Clients

Building Services

News, Blogs and other helpful resources

Quick Start

· Installation

o Install version of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The API is available out of the box.

o Headers, libraries and tools are part of Windows SDK for Windows 7.

· Video

o Video recording of an introduction to Windows Web Services during PDC 2008

§ Slides and source code for the demo you can find here

o Video recording of the session at TechEd 2009 about advantages of using native C/C++ code to build web services and description of key steps involved

§ Slides are available here. Instructions for setting up the demo and the source code for the demo are in this post

o Video recording with answers to FAQ about WWSAPI

o Videos on building web services and clients to them with WWSAPI on Windows Server 2008 R2

· Documentation

o Reference documentation of MSDN

· Samples and Demos

o Demo of a service and client in native code using WWSAPI

o WWSAPI examples on MSDN

· Providing feedback

o Place to send suggestions and file bugs

· Finding answers

o Forum for discussing questions

Building Clients

· Basic example of C/++client to WCF Calculator service

· Clients to WCF based Service

a. WsHttpBinding no security

b. BasicHttpBinding no security

c. WsHttpBinding with security

d. BasicHttpBinding with security

e. WsFederatioHttpBinding

f. NetTcpBinding

· WWSAPI examples on MSDN

· Setting up WWSAPI Samples that use SSL and certificates.

Building Services

· Example of C/C++ service wrapping C/C++DLL

· WWSAPI examples on MSDN

News, Blogs and other helpful resources

· Check Nikola’s blog for news and announcements (RSS)

· Check Hao’s blog on building clients to WCF services (RSS)

· Check MSDN Networking Developer Center

· Discussions happening on the forum

· Submit suggestions and report bugs using WNDP Connect site

 For comments and issues on this page, contact Nikola.