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Open Value Subscription pricelist now available! (Except Up-to-date discounts SKUs)

As I have been conveying through my Blog posts and during my Partner Introduction to the NEW Microsoft Open Value Subscription Program Live Meetings, the Open Value Subscription pricelist went live on Friday, February 1st, and your Distributors have the part numbers, estimated retail prices, and your costs available now. There is one exception to this; however…

When I pulled down the Open Value Subscription pricelist on Friday to go through it, we noticed that for some reason, the Up-to-date discount SKUs had not been generated and populated on the pricelist. Don’t worry, we immediately escalated this issue last Friday morning and they are working on this issue as you read this, so the Up-to-date discount SKUs should be coming in the near future.

From a price perspective, it should be no mystery what the prices are going to be… If my Blog posts such as, “Yes, you heard right… 50%* off the first year payment!” or “What qualifies for the 50%* off Up-To-Date (UTD) discount for Open Value Subscription?” weren’t enough to give it away or the extended references to the Up-to-date discount during the Partner Introduction to the NEW Microsoft Open Value Subscription Program Live Meetings didn’t make it very clear, I’ll try to clarify… The Up-to-date discount is 50% off the ERP of the non-up-to-date discount SKU pricing for the Enterprise products. As for what the specific part #s are going to be, well, we will both have to wait until the actual pricelist is updated with those until we have them.

So don’t be alarmed if your Distributor tells you that they don’t have or can’t find the Up-to-date discount SKUs for Open Value Subscription yet. It’s not their fault. They didn’t make it on the initial pricelist, we are aware of this, and we are working to correct it. As soon as it is updated, I’ll be happy to let you know.

Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric Ligman
Microsoft US Senior Manager
Small Business Community Engagement
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