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Mike Poulson's Thoughts on lots of stuff

Storing your email on your SD card (Smart Phone WM5)

I have my 2125 (aka HTC Tornado, aka HTC Faraday, running Windows Mobile 5) and one of the things I...

Author: mpoulson Date: 01/09/2006

Broke Back Mountain - The best movie all year

Tonight we went to see a showing of Broke Back Mountain with the Seattle International Film Festival...

Author: mpoulson Date: 12/09/2005

Bug in ASP.NET 2.0 response.transmitFile when you try to send a file larger then 2gig

There is a bug in the response.transtmitfile method in Whidbey that I hit the other day. It hits...

Author: mpoulson Date: 12/06/2005

MSI Installer and Failed to connect to server Event

Event ID:1015 Error: 0x800401f0 Got one of these on a server when attempting to install the .net...

Author: mpoulson Date: 11/30/2005

Today I got my NSA IAM Certificate in the Mail

In July I attended the Black hat Conf in Las Vegas ( While I was there I...

Author: mpoulson Date: 10/17/2005

Making Exchange Recipient Policies some what scaleable in the hosted environment

Yesterday I ran a piece of automation on our AD that redesigned how we store Exchange RPs. An issue...

Author: mpoulson Date: 10/11/2005

PGP 9 and Whole Disk Encryption could be better but it still rocks

So with pgp9 the feature for whole disk encryption was added. This is a great feature if you run...

Author: mpoulson Date: 10/06/2005

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works great and you can raise money for a Non-Profit

While I am not one for lots of Corp pitches. This sounds cool. If I use my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser...

Author: mpoulson Date: 09/22/2005

What not to do when getting rid of that old Hard Drive

A few weeks ago my Significant Others hard drive died. When ever this happens one the first things I...

Author: mpoulson Date: 09/06/2005

Radiobuttons and groupname in 2.0 RC0

So after I ported an internal site of my teams from 1.1 to 2.0 I found an issue. We have a page that...

Author: mpoulson Date: 09/02/2005

Managing lots of Cisco consoles from one location

So I know this is MSDN and this post is not so msdn like but we can only have one blog. I had to...

Author: mpoulson Date: 09/02/2005

New Cryptanalytic Results Against SHA-1

Author: mpoulson Date: 08/19/2005

PGP and the law

Today I read an article about the existence of PGP on a machine can show criminal intent....

Author: mpoulson Date: 05/25/2005

Disk Quota and .net (WMI and Microsoft.DiskQuota.1)

Today I had a con-call to talk about disk quota and how to automate the setting and reading of...

Author: mpoulson Date: 05/24/2005

odds of being in a car accident vs being bit by a shark (or in a Plane crash)

Today my co-worker and had a talk in the hall about what Microsoft should DO to have more window...

Author: mpoulson Date: 04/14/2005

Restricting which Certificate is allowed to authenticate a VPN connection

So I had a requirement on a VPN server I was setting up not long ago. This requirement was that only...

Author: mpoulson Date: 01/19/2005

IPv6 6over4 tunnels with Windows and Cisco

A few years ago I began working with Art Shelest here at Microsoft to get Native IPv6 running in my...

Author: mpoulson Date: 01/18/2005

Getting your Media Center Extender to connect to a remote file server

So at my house we have a single Media Center 2005 PC, and 2 Media Center Extenders (MCX). We also...

Author: mpoulson Date: 01/17/2005

Regular Expressions and IP addresses (ipv4 and IPv6)

Over the last year or so I have been writing automation that uses IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. In the...

Author: mpoulson Date: 01/10/2005

To the Bungie team today

Today when I was not working I had lunch with some of the people that make RedvsBlue...

Author: mpoulson Date: 12/11/2004

Securing a TS connection with Smart Cards

Well today is going to be a busy day here at the Microsoft Enterprise Engineering Center. At about...

Author: mpoulson Date: 12/11/2004


This is my first post to a BLOG. I dont know how I feel about it yet. But I will give it a chance....

Author: mpoulson Date: 12/10/2004
