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You’re going to need a bigger accounting software suite


Did you know? The world's longest goldfish measured a whopping 47.4cm from snout to tail. And it wasn't plucked from a lake or a giant pond. It was raised in captivity by a man called Joris Gijsbers.

It's an old wives' tale that a goldfish will only grow to fit the size of its bowl. In reality, the species are indeterminate growers. This means that, with the correct diet and water quality, there's no limit to how big they can get.

As much as we love writing about gargantuan goldfish - and we're sure you love reading about them - there's a lesson to be learned here too. In the way that you can nurture a goldfish to grow to its full potential, it's possible to do the same for your SMB customers. Because, believe it or not, they're indeterminate growers too.

The bowl's not the limit

With the right partner (that's you) to take care of them and give them everything they need to excel, SMBs can keep growing in strength and size. They just have to be willing to move to a new tank as their needs - and appetite - become bigger.

Take your customers' accounting teams, for example. Sure, they can get by on basic accounting systems. But only for as long as business remains steady. As soon as teams and budgets start to grow, those basic systems will no longer be able to handle the workload. Because the bigger the company, the more complex their accounting challenges. And the greater their need for capable technology that can help them achieve their ambitions. In short, your customers can quickly outgrow the technology they use. Much like how, given the right support, goldfish can outgrow their tanks.

Scaling up with Dynamics 365

Of course, with growth comes change - a factor that's essential for success in today's dynamic business landscape. However, some of your SMB customers might fear change, and could be unsure about buying in to new technologies, even when it's clear their existing solutions aren't up to the job anymore. These customers might be worried about having to move away from old, ingrained ways of working. They might be facing so many challenges on a daily basis that improving their systems doesn't sit very highly on their list of priorities. Or they might simply think the whole thing will be too much hard work.

Fortunately, you have the tools to help customers of all shapes and sizes scale up and achieve their goals. With Dynamics 365, you can give your customers the space, tools and opportunities they need to grow to their full potential. And the confidence to embrace change, rather than to shy away from it.

And it's not just SMBs that can benefit from the support you can provide. For you, the partner, the rewards of a growing customer are many. By helping them navigate their journey to success, you can enjoy a stronger relationship, more opportunities to engage, and chances to unlock additional streams of revenue.

Now share the Connect and grow your business e-book with your customers. It's designed to inspire those that have outgrown their accounting software to take a leap from the tank they've outgrown into a bigger, better one. So they can enjoy even more room to swim.