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5 Questions with our first Twitter Re-tweet winner!

Congratulations to the first winner of our Twitter Re-tweet contest, Jessica Egolf! As you know, each week through May 21st we’re giving away a Mouse Mischief starter kit which includes five wireless mice and a USB hub. The rules are simple, re-tweet the following below and we pick a winner at random each week.

I had a chance to ask Jessica some questions about technology and education and she was willing to share them here for this post.

            1. Can you tell us what your role is in education?

I am the BTI, Building Technology Integrator, for a K-5 building. Next year our building structure will change. I will be the BTI for 2 elementary buildings that will contain grades K-2. As the BTI, my responsibilities include teaching the weekly computer classes to students as well as assisting the staff with the integration of technology across the curriculum.

2. How did you hear about Mouse Mischief?

I first heard about Mouse Mischief from the eSchool News newsletter. The article was interesting, so I decided to look a little deeper. I found Mouse Mischief on Twitter and Facebook and began to investigate what the program was all about.

      3. How does technology play a role in your school or classroom?

I have the best job in the world. I get to work with the students using various technology tools. I also help the teachers learn how to utilize technology to maximize student learning. Each day is an adventure; I never know what the day will bring. I am not sure if I can call it work, it is so much fun!

My school district is really headed in a great direction. We have a very supportive administration; they realize the important role instructional technology plays in academic success. Dallastown Area School District is working hard to prepare our students for their future. Our superintendent, Dr. Stewart Weinberg, and our Director of Information Technology, Jason Harrison, have been working with committees composed of staff and students to create a vision for technology at Dallastown. Together they are designing the map that will guide the district as we continue to strive for excellence.

We have ongoing staff-development during the school year, as well as various summer courses. A staff favorite is Tech Camp, a week long course that offers teachers training on numerous instructional technologies. The course was so popular, this summer we are now offering Tech Camp I and Tech Camp II.

       4. After learning about Mouse Mischief, how do you think it can benefit your school or classroom?

It will be a great tool that can be used across all grade levels, in any subject area. I am excited about sharing Mouse Mischief with my staff. I think they are really going to enjoy using the program, I know the students will enjoy it as well.

The program is free, which is important to schools right now as budgets are very tight. The equipment required for the students is very affordable. I think Mouse Mischief will be a great resource for school districts that want to utilize an interactive response system without buying a high cost software/hardware package.

5. Do you have anything else you’d like to share?

I work for the Dallastown Area School District, in York, PA. I am the BTI at Leaders Heights Elementary and Loganville-Springfield Elementary and I’ve been teaching for 10 years!

That’s all for now, stay tuned for more interviews and exciting posts on education and technology here on theMouse Mischief Blog!


Eric Burgess - OnlineCommunity Manager, Mouse Mischief=
twitter: @mousemischief & @ericburgess | facebook | youtube


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