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Tools of the trade

Poking around my blog software site (Community Server) – I found a linkto Blogmailr in the tools folder. Ithink “poking around” is an example of exploratory learning –and it proves pretty popular for folks learning IW-type skills (more on thatlater). I was looking for links to tools that would make blogging easy on me –which will hopefully result in more frequent and relevant posts. Blogmailr letsyou compose a blog post in email, and send to a pre-configured address, whichis set-up with the necessary info to post to your blog. Cool – email is atool I have almost everywhere – PC, phone, and anywhere I have webaccess.

So this is my first post using Blogmailr. Should supportinline graphics (above?) and tags if I follow the FAQ. Probably won’treplace Windows Live Writeras my day2day blogging app, but might create some new opportunities for when I’maway from my PC (unlike now).

I’m interested in what (mobile) tools you are using toeither check your RSS feeds, read blogs (this one looks terrible on WindowsMobile 5 IE), or post. Let me know – or add a comment and share thewealth.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I love how Blogger (and most of the blogging sites) provide an email address for blogging through mobile devices. YouTube offers similar functionality. For me, something like the LiveScribe pen would be a great mobile blogging tool.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Found the blogger concept demo. Go to, click BEACH BLOGGER, and then click PLAY NOW.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Pretty cool concept - not sure why the paper and digital combo is better than just digital. You can pretty much do that today with OneNote on a TabletPC, right? I haven't tried blogging out of OneNote yet, but I bet you can. One thing I love anout OneNote is screen clipping. I have turned back on the feature to Save to OneNote (instead of just to the clip board), cuz now I have a library of about 200 screen images. If you turn on indexing in pictures, you can search for text within screen captures.