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Ny Exchange Users Group Meets 9/11/07

September MeetingSponsored by: Teneros, Inc. has redefined mission-critical, infrastructure application continuity by delivering the Teneros Application Continuity Appliances™ for high availability and disaster recovery of Microsoft® Exchange. The Teneros appliances protect the Exchange server in the event of planned or unplanned, server or site outages, assuring 24X7 end-user application continuity and email data access. Targeted at the mid-market and field offices of the Enterprise, Teneros appliances are the only 99.999% application and data continuity solutions offering: instant-on™ failover/failback; plug-and-go™ installation; IT-free remote monitoring and maintenance; data corruption prevention, and non-intrusiveness to the existing Exchange infrastructure. Teneros assures continuity for your business critical communications.

Raffle At End of Meeting: $100 American Express Gift Card (provided by Teneros)

Topic: Teneros Hardware Appliance for Exchange Clustering Demo (live failover demonstration with Exchange setup)

Speaker: Curtis Reynolds, Teneros Senior Systems Engineer

Date: Tue 9/11, 6:30pm. Food is available from 6pm. Doors open 5:50pm.

RSVP: Please RSVP as soon as possible to gauge food needs. RSVP cut off is 4pm on Tuesday, 9/11.

Just a reminder... you can find previous meetings information & LiveMeeting's recordings and upcoming events on the website.... <>

**Upcoming Meetings & Events**September 11 - NYExUG -Teneros Exchange hardware appliance used for clustering

September 13 - NYITSUG - Technical Session on Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 & Network Access Control 10 by The IT Security Suite.
October 9 - NYExUG - DoubleTake presenting software failover solution.
November 13 - NYExUG - Brett Scudder of The IT Security Suite will present on increasing email security (authentication of messages) on handhelds and Outlook (aka S/MIME & signing via SSL certs).
TBA - VMware's virtual environment for Exchange Deployments

2 Mailing Lists
NYExUG Announce Mailing List - meetings, events, etc
NYExUG User Mailing List - for posting comments, and general talk among members.
Visit <> and on left side under lists click "How to contact us" to learn how to join each list.

**Agenda**5:50-6:15pm Recommended entrance time
6pm on - Pizza Arrives
6:30pm - Speaker Begins

8-8:30pm End time

Meeting Location
Microsoft NYC Office
6th Floor, in the Place Conference Room (at receptionist, go left, right, and left down hall)
The meetings occur every 2nd Tuesday of every Month. All meetings are held at Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas (between 51st/52nd) in New York.

Interested in Speaking
- Speakers can be Exchange Admins, Network Admins, and anyone knowledge-able of Exchange. Topics could be highlighting a certain aspect of Exchange (e.g. X400, Connectors, RUS, Storage Groups, Shared Hosting, etc), a product you use in your organization that is extremely helpful in increasing your productivity. If in doubt, email me, Ben Serebin. Email address below.

Interesting Sponsoring a Meeting or Topic
- contact me for more information on this.

Future Meeting Topics
Other Topics Interested In - Anti-virus, Common Problems and Troubleshooting, Defragmention of Store, Cached Mode, PBX Integration (if you are a vendor, and are interested in presenting these, let me know.)

Question of the Month
How do you protect users on internet kiosks or insecure computer using Outlook Web Access when they click logout (& forget to close the browser) and someone can easily click the Back button to gain access to their mailbox?


Come to the meeting to find out. Think you know everything about Exchange, you haven't attended a NYExUG meeting then. See for more information.