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Yesterday's Launch in NYC was the first in a series of Launch Events for me. I'll be traveling six of the next seven weeks spreading the LOVE -- Longhorn, Office 2007, Vista and Exchange 2007. And you could really feel the LOVE in NY. There was a great deal of community activity. The ask the experts rooms were heavily staffed by non-Microsoft people. I spoke with Brian and Rosie, MCT's that voluntered to spend the day talking about the next generation technology to anyone with questions.

I kind of took over the conversation there for a bit, which I don;t generally do, so my apologies to Brian and Rosie, but I am very passionate around these topics. As i have often said, it's not about the technology, it's about what people can do with the technology. I do not believe it is an overstatement to say that this Launch will usher in a new age of productivity for the Digital Age. We are so close, my friends.

Ask The Experts WMA

Ask The Experts MP3

The User Group community was well represented with the dot NET UG, The NY Enterprise Windows Group and The NY Exchange Users Group hosting tables in the vendor area. I saw lots of people in attendance that I know from these groups including Trevor, an Exchange Admin and a regular attendee at the NY Exchange Users. he spoke with me about his day at launch and his upcoming Exchange 2007 deployment plans.

Trevor WMA

Trevor MP3

Just walking down the halls i ran into lots of folks who wanted to talk about what they'd seen that day.

Three Guys WMA

Three Guys MP3

Three Other Guys WMA

Three other Guys MP3

Michelle and Friends WMA

Michelle and Friends MP3

A good time was had by all--what are you waiting for? register for a launch event near you
