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AITP Lehigh Valley Meets April 25th

The next meeting of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of AITP is Wednesday, April
25, 2007 @ 5:30 PM at Christopher's at the Columbian Home, 1519 Greenleaf
Street, Allentown, PA

Discussion Theme:
"Power Networking to Career Success"

Speaker:  Ms. Anita Krick, Vice President and Managing Director, Right

Networking is a strategy for managing your career. Identifying and speaking
with people informally and during Information/Referral meetings is
something that you do even beyond the moment that you are hired into a
position. The contacts you make at the beginning of the network cycle may
remain as vital connections to the state of your industry. It benefits
contacts and job seekers alike to keep in touch, share knowledge and advise
each other of current trends. Learn how to network the "right way."

Our speaker for the evening is Ms. Anita Krick, Vice President and Managing
Director of the Lehigh Valley office for Right Management. As VP, Managing
Director, Anita is responsible for managing key accounts and for marketing
Right's career transition, organizational consulting and career management
services throughout the Lehigh Valley and surrounding areas.  With 22 years
of corporate service to companies such as BankAmerica, Chrysler Corporation
and NationsBank, Anita has been personally involved in numerous corporate
relocations, acquisitions and mergers.  Prior to joining Right, Anita was
VP, Human Resources with Nations Credit Corporation, a NationsBank

Ms. Krick is a member of the Executive Committee of the Lehigh Valley
Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, recently serving as
President of the Chapter Board.  Anita also serves on the Executive
Committee of the Board of Family Answers in the Lehigh Valley and is an
active participant in the many events of the Lehigh Valley Workforce
Investment Board.  In addition to her degree from West Chester University,
Ms. Krick is a graduate of the Chrysler Quality Institute in Highland, MI,
and the Graduate School of Sales Management and Marketing of Sales and
Marketing Executives International through Syracuse University.
Meeting Location
Christopher's at the Columbian Home
1519 Greenleaf Street, Allentown, PA

Directions to the Columbian Home:
Traveling West on Rt. 22 from Bethlehem:  Exit at the 15th Street exit.
Turn left at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street for
about 1 mile.  Turn right onto Greenleaf St.  It will be the first right
after the traffic light at Roth Ave.
Traveling East on Rt. 22 from West Allentown:  Exit at the 15th Street
exit.  Turn right at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street
for about 1 mile.  Turn right onto Greenleaf St.  It will be the first
right after the traffic light at Roth Ave.
From Tilghman Street:  Turn onto 15th Street towards Rt. 22 (right if
traveling west left if traveling east).  Make a left on to Greenleaf St.
(~1/4 mile)

Refreshments:  Cocktail hour and a Buffet Dinner.  Cost is $16 for AITP
members, $23for non-members.  It is very important for us to get an
accurate count of attendance to ensure enough food.  Please respond to the
reservations notice below.
5:30-6:30 -- Time to gather & network; Cash Bar
6:30-7:30 - Dinner
7:30-8:30 - Meeting and Speaker's Presentation
8:30 -- Adjournment & home (or wherever)
Reservations:  Please email Sharon Deibert at sdeibert at enter dot net or Tom
Emmerth at temmerth at compuserve dot com. We need this number so that an adequate
room size and amount of food can be ordered.
