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Best Practices for App-V Sequencing

We are doing several proof of concepts for Enterprise App-V deployments and here is the list of best practices we follow from the App-V 4.5 Sequencing Guide:

  • It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the installation and execution of the application prior to sequencing. Be sure to read all installation instructions associated with the application. It is also recommended that you learn how the application runs and the components of the application the user will need. To improve the process of sequencing an application, one should document step by step the installation and post-configuration procedures for the application. Step-by-step documentation will ensure that no unnecessary troubleshooting occurs during the sequencing process since no important steps will be skipped. Items to document include:
    • What application components are needed and will be required to complete the installation of the application?
    • What updates such as adding new files to the package need to be performed in the sequencer after the installation?What post-installation configuration steps need to take place in the sequencer?
    • How do users commonly use this application immediately after its launch?
    • Does this application do something that App-V currently does not support? If so, check the Microsoft Knowledge Base to see if there is a workaround available.
  • When sequencing on Windows Vista ensure sure you have UAC enabled on the sequencing machine if the client machine you are deploying the application to will have UAC enabled as well.
  • Always document the sequencing process step-by-step creating a “recipe” using a standardized template. Documenting the sequencing process step-by-step will allow you to hand the recipe to someone else in your organization and have them recreate the same package. Step-by-step documentation will ensure that no unnecessary troubleshooting occurs since no important steps will be skipped.
  • Use the Comments field in the sequencer (Abstract Tag) any details about the package you may want to include. This will allow you to revisit the sequence later and have a record of this information.
  • The installation drive on your sequencer should match the virtual drive on the client. In some cases this may not be possible (if say, packaging for multiple organizations), and you may be required to go back and edit the virtual registry or some individual files to point to the correct locations.
  • Sequence to a unique, 8.3 directory name. This applies to both the Asset and Installation directories. (‘Q:\MYAPP’ is correct, ‘Q:\My Application’ is incorrect. Q:\MYAPP.001 is also correct.)
  • Sequence to a folder in the root of the drive, not to a subdirectory. (‘Q:\MYAPP’ is correct; ‘Q:\’ is incorrect; ‘Q:\Temp_Junk\MYFOLD’ is incorrect). If the suite has multiple parts, install each application in a subdirectory of the Asset Directory. For example, if a package contains a Line of Business Application along with the Oracle Client, use Q:\AppSuite as the Asset Directory; sequence the LOB application to Q:\AppSuite\LOB; and sequence the Oracle Client to Q:\AppSuite\OracleClient.
  • Always use globally unique paths and Package names across the set of application sequencings. Do not install, for example, multiple Microsoft Office sequencings to the same Asset Directory name. Use a standardized naming scheme for the Asset Directory that can be incremented for new revisions, for example Q:\OFFXP.v1 or Q:\OFFXP.001. Failure to make these unique cause conflicts with your applications
  • Configure and test the application in the Installation Phase. Completing the installation of an application often times requires performing several manual steps that are not part of the application installation process. These steps can involve configuring a connection to a ‘back-end’ database, copying updated files, etc. Do this configuration in the Installation Phase and run the application to make sure it works.
  • Execute the application, multiple times if necessary, until the program is in a static state in the Installation Phase. For example, run the application multiple times to get past all registration and dialog box requests. Some applications perform different tasks on first launch, second launch, and sometimes subsequent launches. The multiple launches will make sure only the relevant application code into Feature Block 1 during the execution phase.
  • Use the Application Wizard to launch each executable in a suite of applications. This will ensure that each application will have the required initial launch data on the App-V Client.
  • Disable “Install on First Use”. Some applications have the option to “Install on First Use” for certain components. It is required that none of the components are sequenced with this option. It is necessary to choose either “Run from My Computer” (install this component) or “Not Available” (do not install this component). For application components that will not be used by any of the targeted users it is recommended that the components not be installed.
  • Disable “Auto Update” features. Some applications have the ability to check a web site or a server for the latest application updates. This feature should be turned off, as version control should be performed via sequencing new versions.
  • Operations made during the step six will be included in Feature Block 1. As a general rule when building feature block 1 make sure you execute the applications most common operations so that they are included in the initial streaming of the application and you have an accurate feature block 1. If this is not done then users will see delays as they start to use the application and will regard it as being slow if many of the features they use are not in feature block 1. Additionally if you are in an environment where bandwidth is limited then you want to have an accurate feature block 1 so that users are not constantly making calls to the server to download additional files in cache

Also check this link: Best practices to use for sequencing in Microsoft SoftGrid