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RTM’d today: Windows Phone 7 Plain & Simple



We’re very pleased to announce that Michael Stroh’s book, Windows Phone 7 Plain & Simple has shipped to the printer!

This FULL COLOR, no-nonsense book shows you the quickest ways to set up and use your new phone -- with easy-to-follow steps, screenshots, and straightforward language. Michael shows you how to set up your phone straight out of the box; make and answer calls, and enter your contacts; read and send e-mail and text messages; work with the calendar; search and browse the Web; play music and video, and take pictures; get cool apps and games on your phone or PC. The concise, language, easy-to-follow steps, and screenshots show you exactly what to do. Handy tips teach you new techniques and shortcuts. Quick “Try This” exercises help you to apply what you learn right away.

Michael’s book will be available via online retailers around November 15. In the meantime, here’s more information about the book:

Contents at a Glance

Section 1: About This Book...............1

No Computerspeak!...............2

A Quick Overview . ...............2

A Few Assumptions ...............3

A Final Word (or Two) ...............4

Section 2: Taking a Quick Tour ...............5

Starting with Start ...............6

Saying Hello to Hubs ...............8

The Lock Screen ...............9

Pushing Buttons ...............10

Understanding Status and Notifications . ...............12

The ABCs of Cellular Networks . ...............13

Exploring Inside Your Phone . ...............14

Navigating with Your Fingers ...............15

Section 3: Setting Up and Personalizing Your Windows Phone ..........17

Setting Up E-Mail and Your Calendar ...............18

Setting Up Facebook ...............20

Connecting to a Wi-Fi Hotspot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Customizing the Start Screen 2...............4

Changing Themes and Wallpaper ...............26

Picking Ringtones and Alerts . ...............28

Silencing Your Phone ...............30

Importing Contacts from a SIM Card ...............32

Locking Your Phone ...............34

Finding a Lost Phone ...............36

Updating Your Phone Software ...............38

Turning On Airplane Mode ...............39

Connecting a Bluetooth Headset . ...............40

Section 4: Typing and Using Speech ...............43

Typing Basics . ...............46

Editing Text ...............48

Working with the Suggestion Bar ...............49

Fixing Mistakes ...............50

Customizing the Dictionary ...............51

Changing Keyboard Settings ...............52

Talking to Your Phone ...............54

Section 5: Talking on the Phone ...............57

Dialing a Number . ...............8

Calling Your Contacts . ...............60

Dialing by Voice ...............62

Answering Calls . ...............63

Juggling Calls ...............64

Making Conference Calls . ...............65

Using Speakerphone, Mute, or Hold ...............67

Managing Call History . ...............68

Saving a Phone Number ...............69

Checking Voicemail ...............70

Forwarding Calls . ...............71

Changing Caller ID Settings ...............72

Section 6: Connecting with People ...............73

Adding a Contact ...............74

Finding a Contact . ...............76

Editing a Contact ...............78

Linking Contacts . ...............79

Deleting a Contact ...............81

Adding a Picture or Ringtone to a Contact ...............83

Pinning a Contact to Start . ...............85

Posting to Facebook or Windows Live . ...............86

Working with the Me Card ...............88

Customizing Your Contacts List ...............90

Section 7: Reading and Sending E-Mail ...............93

Reading Mail ...............94

Sorting and Searching Your Mail ...............95

Checking for New Messages . ...............96

Responding to a Message . ...............98

Composing a New Message ...............100

Saving a Draft Message . ...............101

Working with Attachments ...............102

Managing Mail Folders ...............104

Customizing Your E-Mail Signature . ...............106

Deleting an Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Section 8: Sending Text Messages ...............109

Opening a Message ...............110

Sending a Message . ...............111

Forwarding a Message . ...............113

Adding Pictures to a Message ...............114

Deleting Messages ...............116

Adding a Sender to Your Contacts . ...............117

Section 9: Working with the Calendar ...............119

Adding Appointments ...............122

Editing Appointments ...............124

Deleting Appointments ...............125

Changing Calendar Views ...............126

Sending an Invitation . ...............128

Responding to an Invitation ...............130

Juggling Multiple Calendars . ...............132

Section 10: Browsing the Web ...............135

Opening a Web Page . ...............138

Browsing with Tabs . ...............140

Searching the Web . ...............142

Saving a Favorite Site . ...............145

Pinning a Website to Start . ...............147

Sharing Links ...............148

Saving Pictures from the Web 149

Working with Browsing History ...............150

Finding Text on a Web Page 151

Changing Privacy Settings . ...............152

Setting Your Website Preference ...............154

Section 11: Finding Places and Getting Directions ...............155

Finding Yourself ...............157

Finding Places and Things . ...............158

Seeing What’s Nearby ...............160

Finding Your Contacts ...............161

Getting Directions . ...............162

Getting Real-Time Traffic Conditions . ...............163

Sharing an Address with Someone ...............164

Changing Map Views . ...............165

Adding a Pushpin . ...............167

Pinning a Favorite Place to Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Section 12: Playing Music and Video ...............169

Playing Music . ...............171

Controlling Music Playback . ...............173

Watching Videos . ...............176

Playing Podcasts ...............178

Listening to FM Radio ...............180

Pinning Favorites to Start ...............182

Deleting Music or Video ...............183

Section 13: Taking Pictures and Videos ...............185

Taking a Picture . ...............187

Viewing Pictures and Videos . ...............188

Recording a Video ...............190

Saving Pictures to Your Phone ...............191

Saving Pictures to the Web . ...............192

Synching Pictures and Videos to Your PC . ...............194

Creating a Favorites List . ...............196

Adding GPS Info to Pictures ...............197

Personalizing the Pictures Hub . ...............198

Deleting Pictures and Videos ...............199

Section 14: Shopping for Apps and Playing Games ...............201

Shopping for Apps and Games ...............203

Searching Marketplace ...............205

Shopping for TV Shows and Movies ...............206

Shopping for Music ...............210

Subscribing to Podcasts . ...............212

Uninstalling an App ...............213

Playing a Game . ...............215

Responding to Requests ...............216

Setting Up an Xbox LIVE Account ...............218

Uninstalling a Game . ...............219

Section 15: Working with Office Mobile ...............221

Opening Documents ...............223

Sharing Documents via E-Mail ...............225

Saving and Deleting Documents ...............226

Using Word Mobile ...............228

Using Excel Mobile . ...............229

Using PowerPoint Mobile ...............231

Using OneNote Mobile ...............233

Synching Notes to the Web ...............235

Connecting to SharePoint ...............237

Working with SharePoint Documents ...............238

Section 16: Synching with Your PC ...............239

Synching Media with Your Phone ...............242

Seeing What’s Synching . ...............243

Synching Files Wirelessly ...............244

Adding Media to Your Zune Collection . ...............246

Changing Zune Sync Settings . ...............248

Managing Storage on Your Phone . ...............250


Congratulations! You now own one of the most original and fun new phones to emerge on the scene in years. (But you knew that already, didn’t you?) Windows Phone 7 represents an exciting new direction for both Microsoft and the evolution of the smartphone, those magical do-everything devices that are part phone, part pocket computer.

Since Microsoft provided the first public sneak-peeks of Windows Phone 7 in early 2010, it has generated an enormous amount of excitement and buzz. Microsoft designers threw away the industry cookbook and set out to completely rethink how a great smartphone operating system should look and behave. The result is what you see in your hands and on the pages of this book—a phone that’s radically different not only from competitors like Apple and Google but even from Microsoft’s own previous effort, Windows Mobile.

Windows Phone 7 can claim several firsts. It’s the first phone to combine so many of Microsoft’s most popular and useful products, from Bing and Internet Explorer to Office and Xbox LIVE. The phone also introduces Live tiles and hubs, two ingenious, time-saving ways to display and organize information. But as good as this smartphone operating system is, Microsoft has made it clear that it’s just getting warmed up.

You don’t have to read this book from front to back (in fact, I’m betting you probably won’t). But if this is your first smartphone, you might find it useful to start your exploration with Sections 2 and 3, which walk you through the modern new Windows Phone 7 interface and show you how to quickly set up and personalize your phone. But again, it’s totally your call.

Here’s a look at what else you’ll find on these pages:

As I said, Section 2 takes you on a guided tour of Windows Phone 7, from its modern new interface, to the buttons and navigational gestures that help you get around. You’ll learn about some of the status symbols you’ll see and the transmitters, sensors, and other electronics that make it work.

Section 3 covers all the set up and housekeeping tasks you’ll probably want to do on your new phone in the first few hours and days. Things like setting up email or Facebook accounts, choosing ringtones and color schemes, connecting to Wi-Fi networks or a hands-free Bluetooth headset.

Section 4 focuses the on-screen keyboard and speech recognition features in Windows Phone 7, two important ways to enter information and commands. You’ll learn lots of tricks for typing faster on the touch-screen and how to use speech recognition to make calls, surf the web, and more.

Section 5 is all about the phone part of Windows Phone 7. Making calls is presumably why you bought a phone in the first place. This section covers basic dialing, checking your voicemail, using in-call features such as speakerphone and hold, and advanced features such as conference calls and call forwarding.

Section 6 explains the People hub, the place to connect with your friends and other contacts. In this section, you’ll learn how to create and maintain a contacts list, how to browse your Facebook feed and post responses.

Section 7 focuses on email. You learn how to check and send email on your phone, how to open and save attachments, manage your mailbox folders, and sort and search through your messages for a specific one.

Section 8 covers texting. It shows you how to read, compose, send, forward, and reply to text messages. You’ll also learn how to include pictures in a text message.

Section 9 focuses on the calendar app. You’ll learn how to create and edit appointments, send and answer invitations, juggle multiple calendars, and toggle between month, day, and agenda views.

Section 10 is all about browsing the web with Internet Explorer Mobile. I’ll cover how to open a webpage and take advantage of tabs for viewing multiple webpages. You’ll learn how to search the web on your phone, save favorite sites, and why some webpages look different on your phone

Section 11 covers the Maps app, which helps you figure out where you are and the location of a place you want to visit. You’ll also learn how to get turn-by-turn directions, check traffic conditions, and browse customer reviews of stores and restaurants to find good places to shop and eat.

Section 12 shows you how to entertain yourself with the Music + Videos hub. You’ll learn how to play music, videos, and podcasts on your phone, and tune into FM radio stations.

Section 13 focuses on taking and enjoying pictures with the Pictures hub and camera. You’ll learn how to take pictures and record videos, upload your pictures to the web and save pictures to your phone. You’ll also find out how you can personalize the Pictures hub with your own snapshots.

Section 14 is one of those parts of the book that you’ll probably find yourself wanting to dive in and read first. It’s about getting apps and games for your phone in Marketplace. It also explains how to buy music and videos, and what the Games hub featuring Xbox Live is all about.

Section 15 is all business—literally. It covers the Office hub, home to Office Mobile and its associated apps: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and SharePoint Workspace.

Finally, Section 16 is another important chapter that you shouldn’t skip. It covers how to sync your phone to your PC using the companion Zune software. A free download, the Zune software offers a way to backup pictures you’ve taken on your phone. You’ll also need to use it to copy music and videos onto your phone.