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RTM’d today: Microsoft Project 2013 Step by Step

We’re happy to announce that Microsoft Project 2013 Step by Step (ISBN 9780735669116), by Carl Chatfield and Tim Johnson, has shipped to the printer. Carl and Tim have delivered a book that teaches you not only how to use Project 2013, but also the basics of project management. Please download and enjoy two free sample chapters, Chapter 4: Building a task, and Chapter 9: Advanced task scheduling. This book will be available via online retailers around May 15.



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Now, a glance of the contents and some useful information from the book’s Introduction.



Introduction to Microsoft Project
Chapter 1 Microsoft Project, project management and you
Chapter 2 A guided tour of Project

Simple Scheduling Basics

Chapter 3 Starting a new plan
Chapter 4 Building a task list
Chapter 5 Setting up resources
Chapter 6 Assigning resources to tasks
Chapter 7 Formatting and sharing your plan
Chapter 8 Tracking progress

Advanced Scheduling Techniques

Chapter 9 Advanced task scheduling
Chapter 10 Fine-tuning task details
Chapter 11 Fine-tuning resource and assignment details
Chapter 12 Fine-tuning the Project plan
Chapter 13 Organizing project details
Chapter 14 Tracking progress on tasks and assignments
Chapter 15 Viewing and reporting project status
Chapter 16 Getting your project back on track

In-Depth and Special Subjects

Chapter 17 Applying advanced formatting and printing
Chapter 18 Advanced report formatting
Chapter 19 Customizing Project
Chapter 20 Sharing information with other programs
Chapter 21 Consolidating projects and resources

A A short course in project management
B Developing your project-management skills
C Collaborating: Project, SharePoint, and PWA
D Using this book in a classroom





Microsoft Project 2013 is a powerful tool for creating and managing projects. Microsoft
Project 2013 Step by Step offers a comprehensive look at the features of Project that most
people will use most frequently.

Who this book is for

Microsoft Project 2013 Step by Step and other books in the Step by Step series are designed
for beginning to intermediate-level computer users. Examples shown in the book generally
pertain to small and medium organizations but teach skills that can be used in organizations
of any size. Whether you are already comfortable working in Project and want to learn
about new features in Project 2013 or are new to Project, this book provides invaluable
hands-on experience so that you can plan, track, and manage projects.

How this book is organized

This book is divided into four parts:

▪ Part 1 introduces you to the rich field of project management and shows you the
major parts of the Project 2013 interface.

▪ Part 2 takes you through a complete project life cycle (planning, tracking, and
managing) with a streamlined use of Project features and capabilities.

▪ In Part 3, you complete another project life cycle, this time with more in-depth use of
the powerful capabilities of Project.

▪ Part 4 wraps up your training with Project with activities that can be applied at any
point in a project life cycle. In addition, this book includes several appendices. The appendices give you broader
exposure to the field of project management, collaboration features in Project that are
enhanced with SharePoint and Project Web App, and some suggestions for using this book
in a classroom setting.

This book’s iterative focus on completing a full project life cycle takes you through planning
and then into the areas of tracking progress and responding to variance, where Project’s
feature set really shines.

This book has been designed to lead you step by step through all the tasks you’re most
likely to want to perform with Project 2013. If you start at the beginning and work your way
through all the exercises, you will gain enough proficiency to manage complex projects.
However, each topic is self-contained, so you can jump in anywhere to acquire exactly the
skills you need.