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New book: Inside Windows Debugging

9780735662780xWe’re pleased to announce the availability of the new book Inside Windows Debugging: A Practical Guide to Debugging and Tracing Strategies in Windows, by Tarik Soulami. Every once in a while, a technical book breaks new ground—and that’s exactly what this book does. Led by a member of the Windows Fundamentals Team at Microsoft, you’ll discover how to apply the same expert debugging and tracing techniques that Microsoft uses—and sharpen your C++ and C# code analysis skills—through practical examples and common scenarios. Learn why experienced developers use debuggers in every step of the development process, and not just after bugs appear. The complete table of contents appears below.

You can find a sample chapter from the book here:, and purchase the book here:

Part 1: A Bit of Background
Chapter 1 Software Development in Windows

Windows Evolution

Windows Architecture

Windows Developer Interface

Microsoft Developer Tools


Part II: Debugging for Fun and Profit
Chapter 2 Getting Started

Introducing the Debugging Tools

User-Mode Debugging

Kernel-Mode Debugging


Chapter 3 How Windows Debuggers Work

User-Mode Debugging

Kernel-Mode Debugging

Managed-Code Debugging

Script Debugging

Remote Debugging


Chapter 4 Postmortem Debugging

Just-in-Time Debugging

Dump Debugging


Chapter 5 Beyond the Basics

Noninvasive Debugging

Data Breakpoints

Scripting the Debugger

WOW64 Debugging

Windows Debugging Hooks (GFLAGS)


Chapter 6 Code Analysis Tools

Static Code Analysis

Runtime Code Analysis


Chapter 7 Expert Debugging Tricks

Essential Tricks

More Useful Tricks

Kernel-Mode Debugging Tricks


Chapter 8 Common Debugging Scenarios, Part 1

Debugging Access Violations

Debugging Heap Corruptions

Debugging Stack Corruptions

Debugging Stack Overflows

Debugging Handle Leaks

Debugging User-Mode Memory Leaks

Debugging Kernel-Mode Memory Leaks


Chapter 9 Common Debugging Scenarios, Part 2

Debugging Race Conditions

Debugging Deadlocks

Debugging Access-Check Problems


Chapter 10 Debugging System Internals

The Windows Console Subsystem

Anatomy of System Calls


Part III: Observing and Analyzing Software Behavior
Chapter 11 Introducing Xperf

Acquiring Xperf

Your First Xperf Investigation

Xperf’s Strengths and Limitations


Chapter 12 Inside ETW

ETW Architecture

Existing ETW Instrumentation in Windows

Understanding ETW Stack-Walk Events

Adding ETW Logging to Your Code

Boot Tracing in ETW


Chapter 13 Common Tracing Scenarios

Analyzing Blocked Time

Analyzing Memory Usage

Tracing as a Debugging Aid


Appendix WinDbg User-Mode Debugging Quick Start

Starting a User-Mode Debugging Session

Fixing the Symbols Path

Fixing the Sources Path

Displaying the Command Line of the Target Process

Control Flow Commands

Listing Loaded Modules and Their Version

Resolving Function Addresses

Setting Code (Software) Breakpoints

Setting Data (Hardware) Breakpoints

Switching Between Threads

Displaying Call Stacks

Displaying Function Parameters

Displaying Local Variables

Displaying Data Members of Native Types

Navigating Between Call Frames

Listing Function Disassembly

Displaying and Modifying Memory and Register Values

Ending a User-Mode Debugging Session

Appendix WinDbg Kernel-Mode Debugging Quick Start

Starting a Kernel-Mode Debugging Session

Switching Between CPU Contexts

Displaying Process Information

Displaying Thread Information

Switching Process and Thread Contexts

Listing Loaded Modules and Their Version

Setting Code (Software) Breakpoints Inside Kernel-Mode Code

Setting Code (Software) Breakpoints Inside User-Mode Code

Setting Data (Hardware) Breakpoints

Ending a Kernel-Mode Debugging Session


  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2012
    Very interesting. I think I'll buy it.