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WE Day Seattle to Make its Debut on March 27

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, Microsoft on the Issues

Today, in front of 2,000 students and teachers at Federal Way High School in Washington state, Microsoft General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Legal & Corporate Affairs Brad Smith joined Free The Children founder Craig Kielburger and Seattle Seahawks’ Head Coach Pete Carroll to announce We Day Seattle - an exciting new, year-long program at that will educate, engage and empower 15,000 youth in Washington to become involved global citizens.

We Day started in Canada five years ago and the Seattle event will be its first ever in the U.S. Together, We Day and We Act, the full-year engagement program that provides the tools needed to take action on any number of issues, have mobilized nearly 1.7 million students annually to discover their connection to their communities and make positive changes in their world.

To get the rest of this story, read Brad’s post over on the Microsoft Corporate Citizenship Blog.