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Microsoft releases Annual Citizenship report for fiscal year 2013

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, Microsoft on the Issues

On Monday, Microsoft released the 2013 Citizenship Report, which describes our citizenship work in support of our company’s mission during the last fiscal year and shares our vision for what’s to come.

Together with our annual financial report, which was also released Monday, it provides a full accounting of our fiscal and citizenship priorities and performance.

Among the highlights:

· Fiscal year 2013 was a significant one for Microsoft Citizenship, as we focused our philanthropic work on providing education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to youth around the world. Our goal is to reach 300 million youth, over three years, through the Microsoft YouthSpark initiative. In our first year, the initiative created opportunities for more than 103 million youth to imagine and build a better future for themselves and their communities.

For the rest of this story, read this post from Microsoft General Manager of Citizenship & Public Affairs Lori Forte Harnick over on The Official Microsoft Blog.