Hey 19 - Xbox 360 Top-selling Console Again in July
For the 19th straight month, the Xbox 360 is the top-selling console in the U.S., according to data from The NPD Group.
July 2012 U.S. NPD highlights include:
- Xbox 360 sold 203,000 units in July, more units than any gaming hardware, and held 49 percent share of current-generation console sales in the U.S. This marks the 17th consecutive month that Xbox 360
has held more than a 40 percent share of current-generation console sales in the U.S. (Source: NPD Group, July 2012)
- Total retail spend on the Xbox 360 platform in July (hardware, software and accessories) reached $218 million; consumers spent more on Xbox 360 products in July than they spent on the other two current-generation consoles combined. (Source: NPD Group, July 2012)
- During the month of July, Xbox 360 held six of the top 10 U.S. console game titles including: “NCAA Football 13,” “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes” “Call of Duty: Black Ops,” “Assassin’s Creed: Revelations” and “Batman: Arkham City.” (Source: NPD Group, July 2012)
And more coming to Xbox 360 this holiday:
- The year’s hottest blockbuster games including “Halo 4,” “Forza Horizon,” “Dance Central 3” and “Fable: The Journey.”
- A whole new way to interact with your TV with breakthrough experiences for the whole family such as “Kinect Sesame Street TV,” “Kinect Nat Geo TV” and “Nike+ Kinect Training.”
- A suite of new Xbox LIVE and entertainment experiences including Internet Explorer for Xbox 360 alongside bringing Xbox games to Windows 8.
- Xbox SmartGlass, which enables all the devices you own to work together, making your games and entertainment even better.