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Avoid duplicating work when collecting inventory

For those who have been using SMS and SCCM for a while this post will tell you nothing new, so check out the new picture at and then go search for something else interesting to read.

I’m a big advocate for avoiding duplicate work.  To that end there are many things which I work on or encounter in SCCM that can be shared, and should be in my personal opinion.  One area where such sharing has done well is around collection of information via hardware inventory.

Changing the SMS_DEF.mof and Configuration.mof to collect additional information on your SCCM clients is a key concept but for folks new to SCCM there is a learning curve on how to modify MOF files, what they are, and how to get the information they want.  Thanks to Sherry Kissinger, and many of the folks who she has worked with, there is a handy tool to help you collect the information you seek with-out yet being a SCCM guru.  It is the Mini Monster MOF builder (  A simple download, search, and click of a button gets you the info you need, then copy and paste to your SCCM site and wait for the info to start rolling in.

Next time you want to extend the inventory collection capabilities of your SCCM infrastructure, check out the Mini Monster MOF and see if you can save yourself some time and effort.