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Michael Howard's Web Log

A Simple Software Security Guy at Microsoft!

Developing More-Secure Microsoft® ASP.NET 2.0 Applications Now Available

A new book in the Secure Software Development Series, this time from Dominick Baier is now available...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 10/04/2006

The Sardonic Mr. Jones

If you have not read Jeff Jones' blog recently, you really should. He has a few thought-provoking...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 10/03/2006

Silver Bullet Security Podcast Interview

Gary McGraw (CTO of Cigital, and author or co-author of many security books, including Building...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/29/2006

Whatever Happened to sprintf(..., “%n”,...)?

You may have noticed that if your code calls functions in the sprintf family and the format template...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/28/2006

Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Beta, Windows Vista and ASLR

Today the Visual Studio 2005 team released Service Pack 1 Beta. Included in the beta is the new...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/26/2006

A Chronology of Data Breaches

A fascinating read

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/22/2006

Gamefest Presentations now available

In August I gave a presentation at Gamefest 2006 about secure coding practices and design. You can...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/14/2006

“Hunting Security Bugs” now available from Microsoft Press

This is a new security book from MSPress that focuses on security testing. I read some of the...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 09/08/2006

Miscellaneous Windows Vista Security Stuff

I just noticed these blog posts related to Windows Vista security that may interest y'all. Built-in...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/31/2006

New Security Resources Available

These papers are aimed at IT type folks and non-technical users. Skip this blog post if you're a...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/25/2006

Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Redux)

In a prior post, "Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Kinda!)" I described the algorithm we used...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/16/2006

“Microsoft Dynamics Writing Secure X++ Code” Paper now available

In June 2006, Microsoft released Dynamics AX 4.0, which was the first full version to be developed...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/10/2006

Some of us are NOT in Las Vegas!

I suppose someone has to keep the home fires burning! Seriously, it's great to see the Windows Vista...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/04/2006

A Process for Performing Security Code Reviews

I wrote an article about performing security code reviews that appears in the July/August 2006...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 08/02/2006

External Security Testing and Windows Vista

On many occasions I have mentioned that we enlisted the help of a number of third-party security...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 07/30/2006

Dave G. at Matasano comments on Vista TCP/IP Stack

Very interesting counterpoint to the recent Symantec paper about the TCP/IP stack in Windows Vista.

Author: Michael Howard Date: 07/21/2006

Interview with the Open Source Software Lab

Last week Sam Ramji, Directory of the Open Source Software Lab here at Microsoft, swung by my office...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/30/2006

Adam Shostack Joins The Team!

Following close on the heels of James Whittaker joining our group, I am delighted to announce that...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/26/2006

Matasano Interviews IE Lead PM Christopher Vaughan

Chris is a top guy, this is a good read....

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/20/2006

Windows Vista Security – A Bigger Picture

A couple of people have asked about the relationship between /GS, SAL and ASLR in Windows Vista....

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/12/2006

Windows Vista Address Space Layout Randomization – What is Randomized?

A couple of people asked what “on by default” means with regards to ASLR in Windows Vista. The...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/06/2006

Microsoft under attack - and it's not what you think

I really never thought I would see this day! But this is a very interesting read. " source...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/02/2006

SDL book is shipping!

I have in my paws a copy of the Security Development Lifecycle book... :) And I am told boxes of...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 06/02/2006

Address Space Layout Randomization in Windows Vista

Windows Vista Beta 2 includes a new defense against buffer overrun exploits called address space...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/26/2006

Windows Vista Security Enhancements

A paper has just been made available that outlines some of the security improvements in Windows...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/25/2006

PREfast, SAL and the Windows SDK

In a prior article I wrote about the benefits of the Standard Annotation Language (SAL) available in...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/23/2006

Online Crypto Class Available

Caveat: This is my first blog posting from within Office 2007 beta 2, so I hope it comes out ok!...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/22/2006

A Brief Introduction to the Standard Annotation Language (SAL)

Introduction Even though a prior blog I wrote “Code Scanning Tools Do Not make Software Secure” may...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/19/2006

Privacy Breach Impact Calculator


Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/08/2006

SetSAFER and .NET Framework 2.0

Ages ago I wrote a surprisingly well read couple of articles about dumbing down an admin token and...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/08/2006

New hire into our group - James Whittaker

I’m pleased to announce, actually I’m thrilled to announce, that James Whittaker has joined our...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 05/05/2006

A New Book: The Security Development Lifecycle (Microsoft Press, 2006)

Much to my wife’s chagrin but to my delight I have just completed another book, this time with my...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 04/28/2006

Two factor authn

Steve Riley asked me to post this little plea. Turns out he wants to know what YOU want from...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 04/21/2006

Non-admin best practices in Windows XP

I was just going over some old email, and I found this from some of the games folks at Microsoft....

Author: Michael Howard Date: 03/24/2006

Regulatory Compliance Demystified

A worthy read Regulatory Compliance Demystified: An Introduction to Compliance for Developers

Author: Michael Howard Date: 03/23/2006

An Interesting Observation from Bluehat #3

Last week I attended Bluehat; we hold these events twice a year and get some of the more interesting...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 03/16/2006

A useful primer to Integer overflows/underflows

From a presentation by a security contractor on campus: 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 03/10/2006

Security Analogies are usually Wrong

I have long believed that if someone makes an argument and uses an analogy, then the argument is...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 03/09/2006

Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V1.0 Available

I like this class library because it looks for "good things" and not "bad things." The most common...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/27/2006

List of useful security libraries

I was asked last week for a list of "drop-in-and-more-secure" replacements, created at Microsoft,...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/27/2006

Windows Defender Beta 2 is out!

I've been using this for a few months now on my own machines, and on my wife's machine at home. The...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/14/2006

Pulverize, Incinerate and Disintigrate

Any federal document that contain words like: Pulverize, Incinerate and Disintigrate always gets my...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/08/2006

Safe Integer Arithmetic in C

There has been plenty of literature written regarding integer arithmetic issues and security bugs....

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/02/2006

An Update on David LeBlanc

As you probably all know, David is a very good friend of mine and we have authored some popular...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 02/01/2006

New Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview available

I've been using the current builds for ages now, here's my top reasons for using IE7 (beyond pure...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/31/2006

Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Kinda!)

When exploiting a buffer overrun vulnerability, the goal of an attacker is usually to change the...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/31/2006

How long will that crypto key be useful?

One of the crypto guys here pointed this out to me last night, it's kinda cool. A small web-app to...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/27/2006

Blue Hat 2005 - Security Researchers come to Microsoft

From "This Fall, Microsoft hosted the second...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/26/2006

Code Scanning Tools Do Not Make Software Secure

There has been a lot of press recently about using ‘code scanning’ tools to find security bugs in...

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/26/2006

CERTs Virtual Training Environment

CERT has released a Web-based library for information assurance, forensics and incident response....

Author: Michael Howard Date: 01/25/2006

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