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MED-V: Tips on modifying the ClientSettings.XML file

image With Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) , there may be situations where the ClientSettings.XML file may need to be modified directly to adjust features and timeout values that are not available through the standard interface for modifying workspace policies. These values, including configuration overrides and timeouts, can be adjusted by editing the ClientSettings.XML file under the following conditions:

1. The valid XML structure of the file must be kept. This is important for this file. If the file is not edited and validated properly, the entire MED-V environment could be affected. It is recommended to open the file inside of Internet Explorer after editing to validate that it can be parsed correctly.

2. When overriding a configuration, the exact same nesting should be kept. Compare the indexing folders in the Configuration.XML and in the ClientSettings.XML

NOTE: Each change should be properly tested. It is recommended to test one modification at a time.

3. Timeouts are overridden by adding them to the TimeSpans / NamedIntegers nodes directly under the <Kidaro> root. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Kidaro production configuration file - customer overrides -->
<Version type="System.Int32">5</Version>
<WorkspaceUpdateVmShutdownTimeout type="System.Double">900</WorkspaceUpdateVmShutdownTimeout>
<!-- The rest of the file data -->

4. The <Version> node MUST be increased, otherwise the client will not download the new file.

NOTE: Some of the override values will apply only during the next time the Client, Workspace or client service restarts.

Hope this helps,

Steve Thomas | Senior Support Escalation Engineer