Welcome SQL Server 2008 to the world!
Yes, it's available now, in all its yummy-licious editions.
If you can't wait for your IT department to upgrade, you can always start building desktop / mobile applications with the free Express or Compact editions.
August 07, 2008
You didn't read the Express page you linked to. You can't get Express at the moment. Apparently you might be able to on the 11th.Anonymous
August 07, 2008
My bad, my bad - the page does say 'SQL Server 2008 Express will be available for download at the end of August 2008. '. I got a bit carried away I guess. What I had in mind was the opportunity of using the Express edition for example to teach yourself the new features and make use of them in 'personal' applications - I write a lot of applications largely for myself, either to solve problems that I have, "train", or simply have fun playing with technology.Anonymous
August 12, 2008
Much more authoritative (and instructive) than poor little me: http://blogs.technet.com/dataplatforminsider/archive/2008/08/11/sql-server-2008-express-now-available.aspx