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Your Hard Drive Will Crash...

Untitled It's a fact. Like anything else that is mechanical, it will eventually give out.

When people ask me about how to best use their computers, I say there are three guidelines.

  1. Make sure it's secure (firewall, anti-virus)
  2. Make sure your data is clean (contact list, especially) so you can take advantage of what you know
  3. Backup, Backup, Backup

Well, the other day, one of my hard drives crashed.

Now, I have triple redundancy, so I didn't lose any data, but it got me thinking...I've had enough of buying more hard drives and setting up the backups (which didn't even always work for me). Besides, if my house burns down, it does me no good.

So, I started searching around for an offsite backup solution.

Up until now, none of the ones I had found were

  1. easy to use
  2. easy to use
  3. easy to use

Fortunately, I've found one that is. Carbonite. (Thanks to Albert for mentioning it). 

I'm pretty jazzed about it (the blue dots mean it is backed up) and am comfortable recommending it to you. I just paid $50 for the year of service. 

So, if you need this (and everyone does!), please use my referral link (we each get free months-you 1, me 3) AND you get a 14 day free trial. :-)
