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When 50% of your attendees become leads...

I've got to hand it to Parker and the team at ALI. For weeks leading up to their event, I was asking about their registration in they weren't moving at all.

"Don't worry," Parker would tell me, "this is Roanoke Virginia. It always happens like this."

Well, it doesn't always happen like this because smack in the middle of the pre-event marketing effort came the Virginia Tech shooting tragedy.

The ALI team handed it with grace and last Thursday turned in a great event experience, most importantly with GREAT results.

In Parker's own words:

We had 27 attendees from a registration of 39 or 40. Not bad- especially as I know a couple of them were not there due to illness.

What is cooler is that of the folks we had yesterday, 12 of them requested immediate budgetary pricing quotes and Deployment Planning meetings. When you factor out ALI employees who were there, that's a 50% immediate lead conversion. Pretty good metrics, even for me. ;)

I asked Parker about what it was that they did to make this happen.

She pointed to her presenter, an ALI employee who is a pre-sales engineer, but previously served as a senior consultant. In other words, he could talk both technical and business.

She netted it out

  1. Here's what it is-technically
  2. Here's what it means to your company
  3. AND let me SHOW you how it works

Parker also mentioned that "Unified Messaging was a big deal."

Then, she did something that no one else, to my knowledge has done.

She tweaked the Microsoft feedback sheet to get the answers to questions that were specific to her interests include:

  1. identify which email platforms are being supported
  2. asking about the timeframe for deployment
  3. what is the greatest benefit you see?
  4. What is the largest concern you have?
  5. What do you want as a follow up?

I LOVE this, because she gets specific answers that help her sales team engage with customers and drive services and licensing revenue.

Great all around effort, ALI and Parker!!!


  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2007
    Heinan Landa and Optimal Networks are a GREAT Microsoft partner. They get a lot of press and are a successful