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Exchange 2007 SP2 소식

Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 9 가 발표되었고, Exchange 2007 SP2이 Q3(9월 이내) 출시될 예정입니다.

Exchange 2007 SP2에는 이전 Hotfix와 Rollup이 포함되어 있으므로, Rollup에 해당하는 문제를 현재 가지고 있지 않은 고객께는 Exchange 2007 SP2로 Update하는 것을 권장합니다.

Exchange 2007 SP2는 Service Pack이므로, 별도의 추가 비용 없이 In-place Upgrade를 지원하며, 정책과 관리 부분에 많은 기능들이 추가 될 것으로 예상되고 있습니다.

이미 안정적으로 사용하고 있는 사이트에 일부러 Exchange 2007 SP2를 적용하지는 않으시겠지만, 정책과 관리 측면에서 추가적으로 필요한 기능이 있을 경우 Exchange 2007 SP2의 새로운 기능을 검토하시고 SP2로 Upgrade 하시는 것도 좋은 방안이 될 것 같습니다.

Exchange 2007 SP2에 대한 상세 정보가 나오는 대로 Update해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

[ Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 9 반영 내역 ]

  1. KB 969911 - This is bug likely to affect customers who have deployed the Messaging Records Management feature and have specified a storage limit for a managed folder. After a move mailbox, the property which marks the folders as managed is not preserved.
  2. KB 968621 - Store stops responding under certain conditions when scheduled backup is canceled and online maintenance is in progress.
  3. KB 945877 - Performance improvements to eseutil when it verifies the checksum of transaction logs.
  4. Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controllers in the environment (Note: Exchange Server 2007 itself is not supported to be installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system.
  5. KB 968715 - This bug is likely to affect customers who have deployed CAS-CAS proxying. When a user selects This is a public or shared computer or This is a private computer on the Outlook Web Access logon page, this value is not maintained  between the CAS servers when the request is proxied. This bug will most likely affect customers with Internet facing CAS sites which proxy the requests to internal sites. Now the bug was that we defaulted to private access irrespective of the option selected by the user. Outlook Web Access has the following features which allow the administrator to control access of users depending on the logon type.:

[ Exchange 2007 SP2 새로 추가되는 기능 ]

Customer Benefits Key new features of Exchange Server 2007 SP2 unveiled today include:

  • Enhanced Auditing - New Exchange auditing events and audit log repository enable Exchange administrators to more easily audit the activities occurring on their Exchange servers. It allows the right balance of granularity, performance, and easy access to audited events via a dedicated audit log repository. This simplifies the auditing process and makes review of audited events easier by segregating audited events in a dedicated location.
  • Exchange Volume Snapshot Backup Functionality - A new backup plug-in has been added to the product that will enable customers to create Exchange backups when a backup is invoked through the Windows Server 2008 Backup tool. Exchange Server 2007 didn't have this capability on Windows Server 2008 and additional solutions were required to perform this task.
  • Dynamic Active Directory Schema Update and Validation - The dynamic AD schema update and validation feature allows for future schema updates to be dynamic deployed as well as proactively preventing conflicts whenever a new property is added to the AD schema. Once this capability is deployed it will enable easier management of future schema updates and will prevent support issues when adding properties that don't exist in the AD schema.
  • Public Folder Quota Management - SP2 enables a consistent way to manage quotas by improving the current PowerShell cmdlets to perform quota management tasks.
  • Centralized Organizational Settings - SP2 introduces new PowerShell option that enable centralized management of many of the Exchange organization settings.
  • Named Properties cmdlets - SP2 enables Exchange administrators to monitor their named property usage per database.
  • New User Interface for Managing Diagnostic Logging- SP2 enables Exchange administrators to easily configure and manage diagnostic logging from within the Exchange Management Console.