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SharePoint Utility Suite 2.1 - Coming Soon.

I'm preparing to release the 2.1 package of the SharePoint Utility Suite (It's the 3rd on the list on the Microsoft Top 5 Web Component Downloads page, and pushing hard for the number 2 spot!!!) .

It will include some minor, but important, changes to both SPUserUtil and SPSiteManager as follows:

SPUserUtil New and Improved Features

New in 2.3

-portalmigrateonly option allows the Portal specific migration functionality to be run, without running the Windows SharePoint Services piece first. This is necessary some times, when the Windows SharePoint Services migration worked properly, but the Portal portion did not. Once environmental issues are corrected that was preventing the Portal migration to complete, you can re-run with this switch to finish.

New in 2.3

-weblite exports only <area> and <web> elements in Webs Manifest file. Useful for just collecting the hierarchy, and not all user elements in the web manifest. Also faster processing.

New in 2.3

acecount attribute in <area> and <web> elements allows you to get a quick sum of the unique ACE entries on a site

New in 2.0

100% Full Fidelity User Migrations using the new MigrateUser() APIs as noted above

New in 2.0

update feature to synchronize existing SharePoint user Display Name and Email Address with current values in Active Directory, or values in mapping file

New in 2.0

rich XML export of User Security settings for complete site collections in WSS and Portal Server areas

New in 2.0

interface matches familiar STSADM syntax

New in 2.0

“Add” feature to add users en-masse to webs, entire web hierarchies, complete site collections.

Improved in 2.3

Exception handling improved when using –update operation.


Security Analysis


“Clone” account settings. (MySite relocation to new owner, alerts remapping [Both WSS and Portal])


Delete feature can delete users on targeted webs, or automate deletion from complete site collections based on map file.

SPSiteManager New and Improved Features

New in 1.2

SPSiteManager now implements Read and Write locking of the site during backup. This is necessary due to updates in recommended guidance for backing up team sites on a production farm.

As you can see, not much is changed in SPSiteManager, but this item was critical in terms of using STSADM style backups on sites on a live server. We've been using the Analysis portion of SPSiteManager quite a bit to help us identify problem areas, etc, and I've received lots of great and wonderful feedback. Thanks alot folks!!!!

The Utility Suite update package will also include a basic C# Protocol Handler example, and slight changes to SPSiteBuilder and better documentation for it.

I've been out of town for the most part of the last couple of weeks, so it's delayed me finishing it and wrapping it up for update on the page.

In the upcoming weeks, be on the lookout for some cool updates that will hopefully make it into the too suite such as:

  • A new analysis engine I'm working on using the core of SPSiteManager that's looking pretty sweet right now :)
  • Plans for the future of both SPUserUtil and SPSiteManager.
  • Updates to XAP, the Argument processor I wrote and that I'm utilizing in a few tools of the suite.
  • and a heck of a lot more!

- Keith Richie


  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2006
    Although this may not be in the spirit of why the utils have been offered (programming to the Sharepoint objectmodel), I was wondering - is there a utility similar to SPExportWebFiles but that works directly from the SQL Server database only?

    Several of our clients have asked for a utility that for disaster recovery could retrieve files stored in document libraries from the actual SQL Server database without having SharePoint running.

    Scenario:  Server crash; restore SQL database to another database server but WSS is not running; use a utility that can directly read the blogs/structures inside the SQL database and extract files.

    This would provide a failsafe way to recover data even if one cannot immediately re-install/reconfigure WSS environment in full.
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2006

    I don't know what the heck is up with the blog service here, but I can't for the life of me, get...
  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2006
    In my previous post ( SharePoint Utility Suite 2.1 - Coming Soon&amp;nbsp;) I noted that It will include...
  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
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