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Microsoft Legend, Gretchen Ledgard Says Goodbye

In a recent announcement that will almost certainly have an effect on the price of MSFT stock (in 2-3 years;-), Jobsblog legend, friend, and born blogger, Gretchen Ledgard has announced that she is leaving Microsoft to "start my own company."

"Microsoft has been supportive of its alumni’s entrepreneurial business endeavors, and I feel very supported and valued, even as I am leaving." Oh, you betchya, chica. You are valued and will be supported. Kleenex, please..

Gretchen is a pioneer, team builder, and genuinely charming and intelligent person. She pioneered Jobsblog (officially known as "Technical Careers @ Microsoft"), a ground-breaking corporate weblog whose positive and transformative effect upon the human resources industry in the United States and beyond, in general, and Microsoft's bottom line, in particular, has surely not been realized fully. Since establishing and vouchsafing the popularity of jobsblog, Gretchen has recruited other recruiters in Microsoft Human Resources to help her maintain and improve on it. 

Jobsblog offers daily ideas, information, and advice to aspiring Microsoft candidates, as well as other corporate recruiters (almost none of whom are endowed with the...gumption of my favorite recruiter). The weblog now attracts around 750,000 views per month (RSS and Web, combined) and shows a healthy, month over month growth trend.

Whereas it is difficult to gauge the impact Gretchen has had in her (too short!) tenure at Microsoft., across the board, Jobsblog is an undisputed success story. It is widely recognized as the first, gutsiest, most innovative, and OPEN corporate recruiting resource on earth, perhaps in corporate history. As such, she has contributed hugely to countering any notion that Microsoft is some sort of black box that doesn't listen to its customers or care about its customers, employees, or prospective employees.

Godspeed, Gretchen. It's been an honor and privilege to work with you. May you find great happiness, success, and fulfillment in your future endeavors. I trust you will stay in touch.
