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Crash Dump Analysis Patterns (Part 13c)

Crash Dump Analysis Patterns (Part 13c)

번역: 김희준(,


핸들 릭이 메모리 풀 부족을 불러 일으키기도 하지만, 많은 드라이버들은 자신만의 private 메모리를 할당하여 4글자로 된 ASCII 태그를 할당합니다, 예를 들어서 제 x64 Vista 워크스테이션의 non-paged 풀의 경우에는 :

lkd> !poolused 3
   Sorting by  NonPaged Pool Consumed

  Pool Used:
Tag    Allocs    Frees     Diff     Used
EtwB      304      134      170  6550080  Etw Buffer , Binary: nt!etw
File 32630649 32618671    11978  3752928  File objects
Pool       16       11        5  3363472  Pool tables, etc.
Ntfr   204791   187152    17639  2258704  ERESOURCE , Binary: ntfs.sys
FMsl   199039   187685    11354  2179968  STREAM_LIST_CTRL structure , Binary: fltmgr.sys
MmCa   250092   240351     9741  2134368  Mm control areas for mapped files , Binary: nt!mm
ViMm   135503   134021     1482  1783824  Video memory manager , Binary: dxgkrnl.sys
Cont       53       12       41  1567664  Contiguous physical memory allocations for device drivers
Thre    72558    71527     1031  1234064  Thread objects , Binary: nt!ps
VoSm      872      851       21  1220544  Bitmap allocations , Binary: volsnap.sys
NtFs  8122505  8110933    11572  1190960  StrucSup.c , Binary: ntfs.sys
AmlH        1        0        1  1048576  ACPI AMLI Pooltags
SaSc    20281    14820     5461  1048512  UNKNOWN pooltag ‘SaSc’, please update pooltag.txt
RaRS     1000        0     1000   960000  UNKNOWN pooltag ‘RaRS’, please update pooltag.txt


만약 pool tag가 누구의 것인지 모르겠다면 Microsoft article KB298102 문서에서 어떻게 해당 드라이버를 찾는지 알려줍니다. 또한 WinDbg에서 커널 영역 주소들(kernel space addresses)을 찾기 위해 메모리 검색을 사용할 수 있고 어떤 모듈들이 그에 대응하는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

WinDbg는 풀 할당이 실패한 숫자를 보여주고 풀 사용량이 거의 최대치에 이르렀다는 메시지를 보여줍니다. 아래에 문제 해결 힌트와 함께 예제 몇 개를 적어놓았습니다.


Session pool

3: kd> !vm

*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
       Physical Memory:     1572637 (   6290548 Kb)
       Page File: \??\C:\pagefile.sys
         Current:   3145728 Kb  Free Space:   3001132 Kb
         Minimum:   3145728 Kb  Maximum:      3145728 Kb
       Available Pages:     1317401 (   5269604 Kb)
       ResAvail Pages:      1478498 (   5913992 Kb)
       Locked IO Pages:         114 (       456 Kb)
       Free System PTEs:     194059 (    776236 Kb)
       Free NP PTEs:          32766 (    131064 Kb)
       Free Special NP:           0 (         0 Kb)
       Modified Pages:          443 (      1772 Kb)
       Modified PF Pages:       442 (      1768 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Usage:    13183 (     52732 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Max:      65215 (    260860 Kb)
       PagedPool 0 Usage:     11328 (     45312 Kb)
       PagedPool 1 Usage:      1473 (      5892 Kb)
       PagedPool 2 Usage:      1486 (      5944 Kb)
       PagedPool 3 Usage:      1458 (      5832 Kb)
       PagedPool 4 Usage:      1505 (      6020 Kb)
       PagedPool Usage:       17250 (     69000 Kb)
       PagedPool Maximum:     65536 (    262144 Kb)

       ********** 3441 pool allocations have failed **********

       Shared Commit:          8137 (     32548 Kb)
       Special Pool:              0 (         0 Kb)
       Shared Process:         8954 (     35816 Kb)
       PagedPool Commit:      17312 (     69248 Kb)
       Driver Commit:          2095 (      8380 Kb)
       Committed pages:      212476 (    849904 Kb)
       Commit limit:        2312654 (   9250616 Kb)


Paged와 non-paged pool 사용량이 최대 사용량에 비해 한참 아래이기 때문에 session pool을 체크해봐야 합니다:


3: kd> !vm 4

       Terminal Server Memory Usage By Session:

       Session Paged Pool Maximum is 32768K
       Session View Space Maximum is 20480K

       Session ID 0 @ f79a1000:
       Paged Pool Usage:        9824K
       Commit Usage:           10148K

       Session ID 2 @ f7989000:
       Paged Pool Usage:        1212K
       Commit Usage:            2180K

       Session ID 9 @ f79b5000:
       Paged Pool Usage:       32552K

       *** 7837 Pool Allocation Failures ***

       Commit Usage:           33652K

Microsoft article KB840342 를 참고하세요.

Paged pool

직접적인 경고 메시지를 가질 수 있습니다:

1: kd> !vm

*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
Physical Memory:   511881   ( 2047524 Kb)
Page File: \??\S:\pagefile.sys
    Current:   2098176Kb Free Space:   1837740Kb
    Minimum:   2098176Kb Maximum:      2098176Kb
Page File: \??\R:\pagefile.sys
    Current:   1048576Kb Free Space:    792360Kb
    Minimum:   1048576Kb Maximum:      1048576Kb
Available Pages:   201353   (  805412 Kb)
ResAvail Pages:    426839   ( 1707356 Kb)
Modified Pages:     45405   (  181620 Kb)
NonPagedPool Usage: 10042   (   40168 Kb)
NonPagedPool Max:   68537   (  274148 Kb)
PagedPool 0 Usage:  26820   (  107280 Kb)
PagedPool 1 Usage:   1491   (    5964 Kb)
PagedPool 2 Usage:   1521   (    6084 Kb)
PagedPool 3 Usage:   1502   (    6008 Kb)
PagedPool 4 Usage:   1516   (    6064 Kb)
********** Excessive Paged Pool Usage *****
PagedPool Usage:    32850   (  131400 Kb)
PagedPool Maximum:  40960   (  163840 Kb)
Shared Commit:      14479   (   57916 Kb)
Special Pool:           0   (       0 Kb)
Free System PTEs:  135832   (  543328 Kb)
Shared Process:     15186   (   60744 Kb)
PagedPool Commit:   32850   (  131400 Kb)
Driver Commit:       1322   (    5288 Kb)
Committed pages:   426786   ( 1707144 Kb)
Commit limit:     1259456   ( 5037824 Kb)


또한 만약 경고 메시지가 없다면 사이즈를 일일이 수동으로 체크할 수 있고 만약 paged pool 사용량이 최대 사용량에 가깝고 non-paged pool은 아니라면 paged pool로부터 할당은 대부분 실패하게 됩니다:


0: kd> !vm

*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
       Physical Memory:     4193696 (  16774784 Kb)
       Page File: \??\C:\pagefile.sys
         Current:   4193280 Kb  Free Space:   3313120 Kb
         Minimum:   4193280 Kb  Maximum:      4193280 Kb
       Available Pages:     3210617 (  12842468 Kb)
       ResAvail Pages:      4031978 (  16127912 Kb)
       Locked IO Pages:         120 (       480 Kb)
       Free System PTEs:      99633 (    398532 Kb)
       Free NP PTEs:          26875 (    107500 Kb)
       Free Special NP:           0 (         0 Kb)
       Modified Pages:          611 (      2444 Kb)
       Modified PF Pages:       590 (      2360 Kb)
       NonPagedPool 0 Used:    8271 (   33084 Kb)
       NonPagedPool 1 Used:   13828 (   55312 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Usage:    37846 (    151384 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Max:      65215 (    260860 Kb)
       PagedPool 0 Usage:     82308 (    329232 Kb)
       PagedPool 1 Usage:     12700 (     50800 Kb)
       PagedPool 2 Usage:     25702 (    102808 Kb)
       PagedPool Usage:      120710 (    482840 Kb)
       PagedPool Maximum:    134144 (    536576 Kb)

      ********** 818 pool allocations have failed **********

       Shared Commit:         80168 (    320672 Kb)
       Special Pool:              0 (         0 Kb)
       Shared Process:        55654 (    222616 Kb)
       PagedPool Commit:     120772 (    483088 Kb)
       Driver Commit:          1890 (      7560 Kb)
       Committed pages:     1344388 (   5377552 Kb)
       Commit limit:        5177766 (  20711064 Kb)

!poolused 4 WinDbg 명령은 pool tag로 정렬된 paged pool 소비량을 보여줄 것입니다:


0: kd> !poolused 4
   Sorting by  Paged Pool Consumed

  Pool Used:
            NonPaged            Paged
Tag    Allocs     Used    Allocs     Used
MmSt        0        0     85622 140642616     Mm section object prototype ptes , Binary: nt!mm
Ntff        5     1040     63715 51991440      FCB_DATA , Binary: ntfs.sys

여기에선 Microsoft article KB312362 를 참고하세요.

Non-paged pool

0: kd> !vm

*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
       Physical Memory:      851775 (   3407100 Kb)
       Page File: \??\C:\pagefile.sys
         Current:   4190208 Kb  Free Space:   4175708 Kb
         Minimum:   4190208 Kb  Maximum:      4190208 Kb
       Available Pages:      147274 (    589096 Kb)
       ResAvail Pages:       769287 (   3077148 Kb)
       Locked IO Pages:         118 (       472 Kb)
       Free System PTEs:     184910 (    739640 Kb)
       Free NP PTEs:            110 (       440 Kb)
       Free Special NP:           0 (         0 Kb)
       Modified Pages:          168 (       672 Kb)
       Modified PF Pages:       168 (       672 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Usage:    64445 (    257780 Kb)
       NonPagedPool Max:      64640 (    258560 Kb)
       ********** Excessive NonPaged Pool Usage *****
       PagedPool 0 Usage:     21912 (     87648 Kb)
       PagedPool 1 Usage:       691 (      2764 Kb)
       PagedPool 2 Usage:       706 (      2824 Kb)
       PagedPool 3 Usage:       704 (      2816 Kb)
       PagedPool 4 Usage:       708 (      2832 Kb)
       PagedPool Usage:       24721 (     98884 Kb)
       PagedPool Maximum:    134144 (    536576 Kb)

       ********** 429 pool allocations have failed **********

       Shared Commit:          5274 (     21096 Kb)
       Special Pool:              0 (         0 Kb)
       Shared Process:         3958 (     15832 Kb)
       PagedPool Commit:      24785 (     99140 Kb)
       Driver Commit:         19289 (     77156 Kb)
       Committed pages:      646282 (   2585128 Kb)
       Commit limit:        1860990 (   7443960 Kb)

!poolused 3 WinDbg 명령은 pool tag에 의해 정렬된 non-paged pool 소비량을 보여줄 것입니다:


0: kd> !poolused 3
   Sorting by  NonPaged Pool Consumed

  Pool Used:
Tag    Allocs    Frees     Diff
Ddk   9074558  3859522  5215036  Default for driver allocated memory (user’s of ntddk.h)
MmCm    43787    42677     1110  Calls made to MmAllocateContiguousMemory , Binary: nt!mm
LSwi        1        0        1  initial work context
TCPt  3281838  3281808       30  TCP/IP network protocol , Binary: TCP

이전에 쓴 DDK tag 글을 참고하세요:

The search for ‘Ddk’ tag


다음 Microsoft article KB293857 에서는 Windows 2003 덤프에서도 작동하는 이전 kdex2x86.dll 익스텐션에 있는 xpool 명령어를 어떻게 사용하는지에 대해서 설명합니다:

0: kd> !w2kfre\kdex2x86.xpool -map
unable to get NT!MmSizeOfNonPagedMustSucceed location
unable to get NT!MmSubsectionTopPage location
unable to get NT!MmKseg2Frame location
unable to get NT!MmNonPagedMustSucceed location

Status Map of Pool Area Pages
  'O': one page in use                              ('P': paged out)
  '<': start page of contiguous pages in use        ('{': paged out)
  '>': last page of contiguous pages in use         ('}': paged out)
  '=': intermediate page of contiguous pages in use ('-': paged out)
  '.': one page not used

Non-Paged Pool Area Summary
Maximum Number of Pages  = 64640 pages
Number of Pages In Use   = 36721 pages (56.8%)

          +00000  +08000   +10000  +18000   +20000  +28000   +30000  +38000
82780000: ..OO.OO.OO..O.OO .O..OO.OO.OO..O. OO.O..OO.O..OO.. ..OO.O..OO.OO.OO
827c0000: .O..OO....OO..O. OO.OO.OO....OO.. O....O..OO....OO .O..OO.O..OO..O.
82800000: ..O............. ................ ................ ................
82840000: ................ ................ ................ ................
82880000: ......O.....O... ..O.O.....O..... O.....O.....O... ..O.....O.......
828c0000: ..O.........O... ......OOO.....O. ....O.....O..... O.....O.........
82900000: .O.........OO... O....O........O. ......OO........ OO.O..O.........
82940000: ...............O ..O.OO........OO ................ ...O.....O......
82980000: O.........O..O.. ....O.........O. ........O.....O. ..O.........O...
829c0000: ........O....... ..O...........O. .O..O...O..O.... ..O.........O...
82a00000: ......O..O...... O.........O..... ....O.........O. ................
82a40000: ............O... O..O.O......OO.. ......O.....O... ..O.....O...O.OO
893c0000: ................ ................ ................ ................
89400000: ..........=..=.. ....=.....=..... =..=......=..=.. ....=..=......=.
89440000: ..=............. ............=... =..=.....=..=... =...=.=.....==..
89480000: ....==......=.=. .........=...... ====.=.=........ ................
894c0000: ................ ................ ..........=.=... ...==...........
89500000: ..=............. ..=............. ..=............. ..=.............
89540000: ..=............. ..=............. ..=............. ..=...=.....=..=
89580000: ......=..=...... =..=......=.==== ==..==.=....=... .=....=....=.==.
895c0000: =.....==........ ..=............. =..=......=...=. ................
89600000: ........=...=..= .....=......=..= ==....=......... .........=....=.
89640000: ..=...===...=... ==......=..=..=. ..=..=......=... ......=.=.....=.


여기 다른 예제가 있습니다:


0: kd> !vm

*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
Physical Memory:   786299   ( 3145196 Kb)
Page File: \??\C:\pagefile.sys
    Current:   4193280Kb Free Space:   3407908Kb
    Minimum:   4193280Kb Maximum:      4193280Kb
Available Pages:   200189   (  800756 Kb)
ResAvail Pages:    657130   ( 2628520 Kb)
Modified Pages:       762   (    3048 Kb)
NonPagedPool Usage: 22948   (   91792 Kb)
NonPagedPool Max:   70145   (  280580 Kb)
PagedPool 0 Usage:  19666   (   78664 Kb)
PagedPool 1 Usage:   3358   (   13432 Kb)
PagedPool 2 Usage:   3306   (   13224 Kb)
PagedPool 3 Usage:   3312   (   13248 Kb)
PagedPool 4 Usage:   3309   (   13236 Kb)
********** Excessive Paged Pool Usage *****
PagedPool Usage:    32951   (  131804 Kb)
PagedPool Maximum:  40960   (  163840 Kb)
Shared Commit:       9664   (   38656 Kb)
Special Pool:           0   (       0 Kb)
Free System PTEs:  103335   (  413340 Kb)
Shared Process:     45024   (  180096 Kb)
PagedPool Commit:   32951   (  131804 Kb)
Driver Commit:       1398   (    5592 Kb)
Committed pages:   864175   ( 3456700 Kb)
Commit limit:     1793827   ( 7175308 Kb)

0: kd> !poolused 4
   Sorting by Paged Pool Consumed

  Pool Used:
            NonPaged            Paged
Tag    Allocs     Used    Allocs     Used
CM         85     5440     11045 47915424
MyAV        0        0       186 14391520
MmSt        0        0     11795 13235744
Obtb      709    90752      2712 11108352
Ntff        5     1120      9886  8541504


MyAV 태그는 MyAVDrv 모듈에 대한 prefix로 보이며, 이것이 우연은 아닐 것입니다. 드라이버들의 리스트를 살펴보면 MyAVDrv.sys가 몇번에 걸쳐서 로드되고 언로드 되었음을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 드라이버는 non-paged pool 할당을 free하지 않았을까요?


0: kd> lmv m MyAVDrv.sys
start    end        module name

Unloaded modules:
a5069000 a5084000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
a5069000 a5084000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
a5069000 a5084000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
b93e1000 b93fc000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
b9ae5000 b9b00000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
be775000 be790000   MyAVDrv.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000


또한 pool tag 목록에서 CM tag가 가장 많은 메모리 할당량을 가지고 있고 !locks 명령어가 심한 경쟁(High Contention) 패턴의 한 예가 될 수 있는 레지스트리를 기다리고 있는 수많은 스레드들을 보여줍니다,


0: kd> !locks

Resource @ nt!CmpRegistryLock (0x80478b00)    Shared 10 owning threads
    Contention Count = 9149810
    NumberOfSharedWaiters = 718
    NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 21


그러하다면 우리는 이 메모리 덤프에 최소 두 가지 문제점이 있음을 볼 수 있습니다: 너무 많은 paged pool 소비와 레지스트리 리소스에 대한 높은 스레드 경쟁으로 시스템을 다운시키거나 느려지게 한 문제점이 그것입니다.

- Dmitry Vostokov @ -
