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[Channel9]Silviu Calinoiu: Inside Windows 7 - Fault Tolerant Heap

Windows 7 의 특징 중 하나인 Fault Tolerant Heap 에 대한 동영상 입니다. 많은 Application 들이 Crash 되는 원인이 잘못된 메모리 사용이라고 합니다. Windows 7 에서는 동일 Application 이 잘못된 메모리 참조로 수 회 종료될 경우 Fault Toleant Heap이 자동으로 적용되어 Application이 Crash 되는 것을 막아 줍니다. 자세한 내용은 동영상을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

Silviu Calinoiu: Inside Windows 7 - Fault Tolerant Heap


The Fault Tolerant Heap (FTH) is a subsystem of Windows 7 responsible for monitoring application crashes and autonomously applying mitigations to prevent future crashes on a per application basis. For the vast majority of users, FTH will function with no need for intervention or change on their part.
Principal Development Lead and rock star developer Silviu Calinoiu is the mastermind behind FTH. Here, we go deep into how FTH works and why it's designed the way it is.
The Fault Tolerant Heap is another example of the low level efficiency built into the system: FTH automatically corrects memory faults that cause applications to crash which has the pleasant side effect of preventing future crashes. How does FTH work, exactly? What types of memory problems does it address, specifically? How do developers monitor FTH events and can they override FTH's behavior? What does this all mean to the average user?
FTH, as an autonomous monitoring and correction system, represents a step in the right direction for the evolution of a more homeostatic general purpose operating system. Simply, Windows is getting smarter in the sense that it's increasingly becoming better at self-regulation and self-healing. Yes, there's a very long way to go, but we're making real progress.
You will continue to learn about recoverability in Windows over the coming months here on C9.