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Доклады с PDC по Internet Explorer 9

Если вас также интересует будущее Internet Explorer, то рекомендую обратить внимание на доклады по IE9 с конференции Microsoft PDC:

Inside Internet Explorer 9 Performance, Jason Weber

Learn about what actually drives performance across the web and how you can make your sites faster. See how Internet Explorer has been redesigned from the ground up to take advantage of modern PC hardware, and how GPU powered graphics, compiled JavaScript, and HTML5 are revolutionizing how developers think about the web.

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Unlocking the JavaScript Opportunity with Internet Explorer 9, Gaurav Seth

Modern day websites such as Office Web Applications use thousands of lines of JavaScript to deliver functionality similar to traditional desktop applications. Internet Explorer 9 introduces a new JavaScript engine, codenamed Chakra, which fundamentally changes the performance characteristics of JavaScript inside Internet Explorer 9. We'll dive into what's new in Chakra, including the new compiler that compiles JavaScript source code into high-quality native machine code, a new interpreter for executing script on traditional web pages, and improvements to the JavaScript runtime and libraries like ECMAScript 5 support.

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Taking Advantage of Pinned Sites with Internet Explorer 9 and Windows 7, Israel Hilerio

Internet Explorer 9 allows developers to more tightly integrate their websites with the Windows 7 task bar and start menu. With Pinned Sites, you can add a website to the start menu, define Jump List tasks, create custom Jump List items, provide visual notifications on the task bar with icon overlays and even add custom thumbbar buttons on the default thumbnail preview. See how this functionality works without any markup changes from you, and then dive deep into enhancements you can add without changing your sites layout! This session will provide best practices and guidance from Pinned Site that have already been built. We’ll see how this is done through the IE F12 developer tools.

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Best Practices for Building Cross-Browser Web Applications, Tony Ross

Learn how developers can address the challenges with creating complex sites that are safe and that work well across browsers. Come see how Internet Explorer 9 makes it easier to create Web sites using interoperable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While the session focuses on Internet Explorer, these lessons apply to all browsers and we’ll show you the best practices you can use today to target a broad range of browsers.

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Introducing HTML5 Graphics : Canvas and SVG, Patrick Dengler

HTML5 adds new graphical capabilities with Canvas and SVG. Internet Explorer 9 leverages fully hardware acclerated graphics to enable developers to deliver new types of applications that were previously not possible. Learn how to take full advantage of your PC’s hardware through Windows to build graphically rich and immersive experience that are as fast and responsive as native applications installed on your PC. Also learn about when to use SVG and when to use Canvas.

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HTML5: More Than Just HTML5, Giorgio Sardo

HTML5 is the future of the Web. Join this session to know more about the behind the scenes of this specification, including how Microsoft is actively contributing to this success with the W3C Working Groups. Get an overview of the new features from HTML5, CSS3, SVG, DOM, ECMA Script specifications. Understand better what the open challenges are and where HTML5 is leading to in the future.

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