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Some PoSH to help with EVT Xpath filter creations


Over time I have had enough hassles creating xpath filters for Event Log Filtering / WEF setups that I finally decided I would automate some of this to make it easier on myself.  The following code lets you put in the Event Record ID from an Event which you want to find again.


If this works properly and that’s a big if Smile It should parse through every node and attribute that has a value and create an output line which you can use in an Event Log / WEF Xpath filter.. So here’s the code:


Script written to parse Event Log Entries to make usable Windows Event log filtering xpath for Windows Event Filters and Windows Eventlog Forwarding
Finds all Nodes and Attributes that are not empty and not null and then recurses 3 levels up to find the 'Event' node and writes out the correct xpath
This includes replacing tabs and carriage returns in the #text of the node which do not transport properly to an event filter via copy/paste
Written 5/22/2015 - Kurt Falde

$EventRecordIDToParse = "3139115"
$xpath =  "*[System[EventRecordID=($EventRecordIDtoparse)]]"
$EventToParse = Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Security' -FilterXPath "$xpath"
[xml]$EventToParsexml = $EventToParse.ToXml()
$nodes = $EventToParsexml | Select-Xml -XPath './/*'
Foreach ($node in $nodes){

#Parse Nodes that are not empty, not null and do not have attributes
if (($node.node.IsEmpty -eq $false) -and ($node.node.'#text' -ne $null) -and ($node.node.HasAttributes -eq $false)){
    $Ntext = $node.Node.'#text'
    #write-Host $Ntext
    $Ntext = $Ntext.Replace("`n", "&#xD;&#xA;").Replace("`t", "&#x09;")
    #write-host $Ntext
    $Nname = $node.Node.Name
    #write-host $Nname
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[($Nname=$Ntext)]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[($Nname=$Ntext)]]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Parentnode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[$($[($Nname=$Ntext)]]]]"}

#Parses nodes that are not empty, not null and have attributes
if (($node.node.IsEmpty -eq $false) -and ($node.node.'#text' -ne $null) -and ($node.node.HasAttributes -eq $true)){
    $Ntext = $node.Node.'#text'
    #write-Host $Ntext
    $Ntext = $Ntext.Replace("`n", "&#xD;&#xA;").Replace("`t", "&#x09;")
    #write-host $Ntext
    $Nname = $node.Node.Name
    #write-host $Nname
    # *[EventData[Data[@Name='Properties'] and (Data='%%7688&#x
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($node.node.LocalName)[@Name='$Nname'] and ($($node.node.LocalName)='$Ntext')]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[($Nname=$Ntext)]]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Parentnode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[$($[($Nname=$Ntext)]]]]"}

#Parses nodes that are empty/null but have attributes
if (($node.node.IsEmpty -ne $false) -and ($node.node.'#text' -eq $null) -and ($node.node.HasAttributes -eq $true)){
    $AttributeText = ""
    $Attributes = $node.node.Attributes
    Foreach($Attribute in $Attributes){
    $AttrName = $Attribute.Name
    $AttrText = $Attribute.'#text'
    $AttributeText += "@$AttrName='$AttrText' and "
    #write-host $AttributeText
    $AttributeText = $AttributeText.TrimEnd(" and ")
    $Nname = $node.Node.Name
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($node.node.LocalName)[$AttributeText]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[$AttributeText]]]"}
    if($node.node.Parentnode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Parentnode.Name -eq "Event"){
    write-host "*[$($[$($[$($[$AttributeText]]]]"}


Running the above against my Event Record ID I chose in turn gives me the following output:


Well that’s it.  Hopefully this helps someone else setting up WEF Xpath filters.  Let me know if I have any bugs Smile