What bugs you about www.microsoft.com/exchange?
Seen any broken links? Confusing pages? Suggestions?
Add a comment here and I'll pass it along to the folks who run the site.
- Anonymous
January 09, 2004
Not enough pictures of the dev team. :) - Anonymous
January 10, 2004
What bugs me is that I can't run Exchange 2000 on Win2k3 so I can't upgrade my server here to win2k3 because I then also have to upgrade exchange to exchange 2003.
I find that a pretty bad policy. I don't need exchange 2003, exchange 2000 is perfect enough. I do want win2k3 though. With this strong connection between versions of software that runs ON TOP of an OS with the OS itself the integration of IE is nothing. - Anonymous
January 10, 2004
Link to information on how to configure RCP over HTTP for Exchange2003->Outlook2003.
The docs are woefully inadequate and this information is fairly hard to dig up in complete form. - Anonymous
January 10, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
January 10, 2004
It's boring.
It has no focus as it tries to be everything to everyone. It sells a little. Trys to give some support informtion. Gives some dis-jointed technical information that was clearly just cut and pasted from other documents so it really doesn't work together.
What it does is look exactly like every other MS home page. Follows the same format and gives the same information.
When I look at it... which is not very often... I remember nothing from it. Nothing sticks to my mind.
When I need information I google it and go direct....
If you want the page to be useful, pick a purpose for it and focus on that. Make it INTERESTING!
Cheers - Anonymous
January 11, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
January 12, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
January 15, 2004
What really gets me about the /exchange website (and the MS web site in general) is that MS does not offer an easy way to search for all applicable hotfixes for a product (EG. look for all EX2K hotfixes post SP3).
I've had times where I've spent hours searching MS support sites regular and premiere)for resoultion to a problem only to determine that a hotfix fixes everything. It would be nice to have a listing of all hotfixes and what service packs so if you can browse through them to see if there is anything that might help.
MS used to post all hotfixes organized by SP level on their FTP site but that stopped doing that a long time ago.
Just adding my CDN 2 cents (.69 Cents in USD:)
Thanks KC!
M@ - Anonymous
January 15, 2004
Info like this is published in the KB.
e.g. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=301378
There are also specific Exchange support centers on the Technet Website which are linked from the support section on the Support section of www.microsoft.com/exchange
-Adam - Anonymous
January 21, 2004
I see that all the examples of using WebDAV use scripting, even the December 2003 releases to the SDKs.
It would be nice to see this is ASP.NET. - Anonymous
January 23, 2004
Hi Stephen,
see my entry from today:
http://blogs.msdn.com/kclemson/archive/2004/01/23/62247.aspx - Anonymous
January 29, 2004
Thanks KC, for the ASP.NET links. It helped resolved some difficulties I was having.
I realise the following question should probably go to the exchange groups, however I think it should be common enough to warrant an example in the SDK.
When querying the exchange store (in ASP.NET), I'm wondering if is possible to mix a WEBDAV search with a http search in one XML sql statement. There is an example that mixes them but it is not using an XML query:
However, how would one go about mixing the namespaces etc.
So, how do we go from this:
SELECT "urn:schemas:httpmail:to", "DAV:contentclass"
FROM "file://./backofficestorage/domain/MBX/user/inbox/"
WHERE "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%Exchange store%'
AND "DAV:contentclass" = 'urn:content-classes:message'
ORDER BY "urn:schemas:httpmail:date"
to an equivalent in XML (I realise the xml below uses a different query, its just to make the point):
strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" & _
"<a:searchrequest xmlns:a = ""DAV:"" >" & _
"<a:sql>" & _
"SELECT ""DAV:displayname"" FROM Scope('DEEP TRAVERSAL OF""" & strRootURI & """'" & _
"WHERE ""DAV:ishidden"" = false AND ""DAV:isfolder"" = false AND ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:message'" & _
"</a:sql>" & _
Many thanks. I haven't posted to the groups yet.
PS the bairn looks great. Aye, I'm Scottish. - Anonymous
January 29, 2004
I found what I'm looking for in the documentation, surprisingly enough. Doh.
For those who are interested, a mixed search in XML using WebDAV and http is in the calendar folder search example:
I'll be quiet now. - Anonymous
January 29, 2004
Well there you go, glad I could help ;-) - Anonymous
June 22, 2004
I Need ur Help ..... Kindly help ....
We have a Requirement which needs to be done preferably using Microsoft Technology.
We want an utility which should run on Exchange Server. Do not want Client based tool.
I want to know how we can achieve this using Exchange server API / C# or VB.Net
We are using Exchange 2003 as a Mail Server and the Requirement is to intercept all the
Incoming and outgoing Messages and on various conditions store Info. of Mail like From and To Mail IDs etc into SQL Server Database.
Let me explain the scenario. We have lots of customers and Every customer has one of our Sales Executive interacting with him. i.e. One of our Employee Sales Exec. is assigned to every customer. So we have to log Details of every e-mail communication between customer and Sales Exec.
Lets Assume customer's mail ID is Customer@ABCD.Com and Sales Exec Assigned to him is
SalesExec@Hotmail.com. In some odd scenario of some other Sales Exec (e.g. SalesExec2222@Hotmail.com) sends a mail to this customer then the utility (which we have to build) running on EXCHANGE Server should intercept this msg and insert a record in SQL Server DB or send a notification to SalesExec@Hotmail.com that some other Sales Exec has sent some Mail to a customer.