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See what servers Outlook 2003 is connected to

New in Outlook 2003 is the ability to see what Exchange
servers Outlook is connected to, as well as other details about those servers and how Outlook
is connected to them.

To view this data, hold down the CTRL key and right
or left click on the Outlook icon in the system tray (sorry Raymond,
I mean the taskbar
notification area
- it's ingrained!). Select "Connection Status" from that
menu, and you'll be able to see:

The fully qualified domain name of
the server you're connecting to

What role that server plays (mailbox,
public folder or directory)

What local interface you are connecting
through (NIC, wireless, etc)

What protocol the connection is over

If the connection is currently active
(and if it's not, you can click a button to force a reconnection)

The number of requests to that server
and the number of those which have failed

Round-trip times

For Exchange servers, the version
of the server