Of all the reasons to want LASIK...
I'm tired of my son grabbing my glasses off my face and smudging them up with his little fingers!
Sure, like most folks who've been wearing glasses 10+ years, I think about Lasik from time to time, and I always quiz folks who get it about the experience, and the other glasses-wearers in my family have already gotten it... but I'm so used to glasses that it hasn't really been a big deal for me. I've got an alarm clock with a large font[1], I put them on in the morning and take them off at night and don't usually have any problems.
But my son just adores my glasses. Every time I pick him up he reaches for them. Sometimes I'm quicker than he is, so I take them off and set them down... and then I can't see him as well! Not a good thing.
Scott Hanselman got lasiked recently, and also posts some good tips if you're considering the procedure. I don't think I'm quite ready to take the plunge yet, I still have a fear that something would go horribly wrong and my eyes would get screwed up so much that I couldn't see my baby, and that scares the heck out of me. But I'm definitely thinking about it more these days.
[1] To other newish parents, this is a very funny joke, because who needs an alarm clock?
- Anonymous
March 06, 2004
Heh. Sounds like this is a common baby thing. Our 10-month old son is constantly trying to grab both my and my wife's glasses off our faces, and though he understands the word "no", and more often than not actually minds us when we say it, for some reason the glasses are more temptation than a simple "no" can overcome.
So I can definitely identify with the temptation. My two bars so far are reports of night vision problems (starbursts, etc., which Scott's tips do mention), and the possibility that getting LASIK might make it difficult for me to get my pilot's license (a long-standing goal). That, and the cost, of course. :-) - Anonymous
March 06, 2004
Oh, Kace, get the Lasik! But find a GREAT doctor. I had it done almost three years ago, and I've been soooo happy with the results. It's awesome to be able to swim and see at the same time! (there are tons of other benefits too, but that's my absolute favorite.)
LOL on the not needing an alarm clock. - Anonymous
March 06, 2004
As my friend says - LASIK is still an operation on healthy tissue. - Anonymous
March 06, 2004
Tell me about it.. 3am every morning for the last week :s - Anonymous
March 08, 2004
Three months after my first son was born I got contacts, after wearing classes for 15+ years and swearing I'd never put anything into my eyes. (Touch my eye, ewww!) That was four years ago, and I still love my contacts. LASIK still scares me for many reasons.... You might want to give contacts a try as a half-way point to LASIK, no regular glass, but no permanent surgery either..... I have bad astigmatism so I always thought contacts would have to be hard, or painful, or something. None of it was true. My contacts are so soft I can't even feel them, from the moment the doctor put them in my eyes the first time. - Anonymous
March 08, 2004
I went through a contacts stage about 6 years ago, and after one 45 minute period where I got the contact folded in quarters and wedged underneath my eyelid, I swore never to wear them again :-) I think contacts scare me more than lasik, in a way. - Anonymous
March 08, 2004
Ok, ick, you have very good reasons for not wearing contacts! That simple mental image of a folded contact sends chills up my spine! If you go for LASIK I hope you'll let us know how it goes! This comment has too many exclamation points! I must be brain deal from playing Warthog Launch for an hour! I can’t get past level 30!!! ;) - Anonymous
March 10, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 10, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 14, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 15, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 08, 2004
Do be careful - make sure you've got insurance or the firm has a good compensation policy.